摘要: | 目的:探討男子競技體操單槓整套動作編排與連接加分之研究分析。男子競技體操單槓項目的最後得分是由D分加E分組成,D分包含實施成功且具有效的十個動作本身難度價值分、五類組動作的類組得分、連接飛行動作的連接加分;E分由裁判依據整套動作的藝術性、實施情況及技術表現給予分數。如何編排整套動作獲得較高的D分是本研究探討的重點。方法:以2011年中華民國全國運動會(以下簡稱全運會)、2010年廣州亞洲運動會(以下簡稱亞運會)、2012年倫敦奧林匹克運動會(以下簡稱奧運會)晉級男子競技體操單槓項目決賽的8名選手為研究對象,分析全運會、亞運會與奧運會選手在整套動作編排的難度價值分、連接加分與最後得分之差異。結果:全運會選手在整套動作編排中,並無追求實施高難度動作來符合各類組得分,且未能爭取飛行動作之間的連接加分來提升D分,相較於亞、奧運會選手的D分有達p<.05的顯著差異。結論:亞、奧運會選手在單槓項目奪勝的要素,不僅整套動作編排追求高難度動作價值分,並爭取連接加分來提升D分,他山之石,可以攻錯,亞、奧運會選手精準的飛行動作連接,可使動作編排更加驚險、新穎及巧妙,提高整套動作的整體評價,值得我國選手仿效,如此一來將可提高最後得分,增加奪牌機會。
This study aimed to investigate the study analyzed Men's Artistic Gymnastics Horizontal Bar entire action choreography and connection points. Gymnastics Men's horizontal bar final score project is divided by a D points + E points. D points included the successfully implemented and have valid movement Difficulty Value of ten scores, class of group scores meets the five categories, and connecting flying movement is connected points. E points by the referee assigns a score based on artistic quality, implementation and technical performance of the entire action. How to arrangement the entire action to obtain higher D scores is the focus of this study was to investigate. Research methods in the National Games, Asian Games, Olympics Games Men's Artistic Gymnastics horizontal bar final eight players for the study, analysis of players arrangement the entire action difficulty value scores, connection points and final score of differences. The results obtained the entire action choreography to National Games players, did not pursue the implementation of difficult action to meet the various group of scores, and there is no fight between the connection points flying movement to enhance the D scores, compared to Asian Games and Olympic Games players D scores that are distinctly different. The conclusion of Asian Games and Olympic Games players elements of in the horizontal bar project wins, not only the pursuit of the entire action of difficult moves choreography value points, but also fight for to enhance the connection D score extra points, improve the final score to increase opportunities for victory. Precise connection flight movement, make the arrangement movement be more thrilling, novel and clever, improve the entire action overall rating, worthy of our players to follow, As a result the final score can be improved to increase the chance of winning. |