摘要: | 自政府2001年開始全面實施周休二日政策,使得觀光產業興起,造成國內各式各樣的休閒產業盛行。消費模式隨時代的變化,由以往注重產品功能,轉變為注重體驗過程及感受的消費型態。經濟部工業局中部辦公室自2003年起即積極輔導,協助有意願轉型的企業,成為兼具製造、歷史文化、觀光休閒價值的活體工廠。
本研究以iicake 雲林蛋糕毛巾咖啡館之遊客為個案研究對象,探討體驗行銷之體驗模組能否在咖啡館的經營上發揮效用。研究中將體驗行銷分為:感官體驗、情感體驗、思考體驗、行動體驗與關聯體驗等構面。體驗價值方面分為:消費者投資報酬、服務優越性、美感與享樂性等構面。購買意願分為考慮購買、可能購買及推薦他人購買等構面。將體驗行銷、體驗價值及購買意願之相關性作探討,而研究方法採用便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查。
The tourism industry has risen prosperously in recent years, resulting in a wide range of domestic leisure industry prevailed, since Government began to implement the overall two-day weekend policy in 2001. Along with time and trend, the consumption model has been changed from focusing on product functions into emphasizing the expe-rience and feelings during purchase process. In 2003, Central Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs start to help and coach enterprises who are willing to transform themselves into the kind of active factories with manufacturing, history and culture, tourism and leisure values.
Under the trends of experience economy, Consumers nowadays require not only the practicality of the product itself, but also the pursuit of further emotional touch, mind stimulating and consumption experience obtained during that process of seeking an unique experience and feelings. In the goal to create a valuable consumer experi-ence, many companies intend to deliver a satisfied and pleasant tourist experience by designing a Marketing program through the strategic experience module.
Subjects of this study are tourists visiting iicake Yunlin Towel Cake Café. and the research objective is to discuss whether the Experience Marketing module could act ef-fectively in the coffee shop business. Experience Marketing will be divided into five aspects: sensory experience, emotional experience, thinking experience, action associated with the experience and the others. And Experience Value will be divided into: customers’ Return on Investment, superiority of services, beauty and enjoyment, etc. While Purchase Intention will be divided into considering the purchase, may buy and recommend others to purchase. In order to study the correlation among Experien-tial Marketing, Experience Value and Purchase Intention, the so-called Convenience Sampling approach will be used as the key research method.
Total 350 copies of questionnaires have been distributed, fourteen copies were un-usable because they were incomplete, and 336 copies of valid questionnaires were re-turned for data analysis via SPSS software. The result shows impact of Experiential Marketing on Experience Value is significant. Impact of Experience Value on Purchase Intention is significant. Impact of Experiential Marketing on Purchase Intention is direct and straight-forward. |