張愛玲的小說《多少恨》 是在1947年根據電影「不了情」敷寫成的電影小說,張愛玲自己認為這是一篇通俗小說,而讀者閱讀之後,發現其中多有著作者個人生命經驗的變形與投射,真實與虛構彼此互動,文本是二者的相互摹擬。本文即以這篇小說《多少恨》 為文本,分別從電影小說、真實與虛構彼此互動、通俗小說三個面向進行析論,並就通俗文學閱讀過程的受容和受阻為基點探討其功能,試圖詮釋作家是如何以「追逐浪漫愛、建立自我取向」做為通俗小說伸張的主軸,並結合著現代都會風景的光與色作為背景節奏,環繞著世紀末的感傷,追逐著商品法則重新包裝,終而引導出作家作品中新的創作曲線。
Elieen Chang's novel “Many Regrets” was rewritten in 1947 according to her own play “Eternal love”. This was a popular fiction from the author's viewpoint, on the other hand, from the reader's viewpoint the author's personal live experiences had been utilized and well-organized in this work. This essay was based on Chang's novel mentioned above and discussed from three aspects: the rewriting of the novel, the creation which was unified with the truth and the invention, and the popularities of the novel, hopefully we can explore the deeply thoughts in this novel, also the skill how to describe the process which the character once had been chasing ardent love in metropolis and nearly mired in the mundane world.