I will focus upon the arguments of Wang Yang Ming's theory of ”Zhi Hsin He Yi”(知行合一) in this paper. Concerning this issue, scholars have proposed various interpretations, pondering whether ”Yi Nian Fa Dong Chu” (一念發動處) is applicable to ”Zhi Hsin He Yi.” For instance, Chen Lai accentuates ”Chong Hsin” (重行) and argues that ”Yi Nian Fa Dong Chu” is not applicable to ”Zhi Hang He Yi.” Besides Li Ming Hui suggests that ”Yi Nian”(意念) is also an ”act” in ”Zhi Hsin He Yi” so as to solve the entanglement. Inspired by these researches, I intend to analyze the intricate relationship between ”Zhi Hang He Yi” and ”Yi Nian.” Furthermore, I will reevaluate whether ”Shan Nian”(善念) and ”Er Nian”(惡念) can be categorized as an ”act” in Wang Yang Ming's theoretical framework. Finally, I attempt to assimilate the arguments proposed by Chen Lai and Li Ming Hui while returning to the core principle of Wang Yang Ming's ”Zhi Hsin He Yi.”