郵輪旅遊在近年來成為快速成長的新興觀光產業, 對於全球觀光產 業相關業者而言, 無不注視著這塊觀光新藍海市場, 期待可以從中獲得 更多利益與商機。因此, 台灣與中國大陸旅行社業者如何評選合適的國 際郵輪供應商策略聯盟夥伴, 則成為重要研究議題。然而, 過往有關策 略聯盟夥伴評選研究, 主要是針對有形之產品業者或是單一的服務產 業, 並非像郵輪旅遊同時具有交通載具、旅館住宿, 餐飲供應以及休閒 場所等多元服務特性, 故過往相關研究結果並無法完整解答本研究預探 討之問題。爰此, 本文將比較台灣旅行社業者及中國大陸旅行社業者雙 方觀點, 探討其選擇國際郵輪供應商策略聯盟夥伴之考量因素與準則並 建立評選模式。此外, 本文將結合質化與量化之研究調查方法, 首先運 用文獻收集、專家深入訪談法、及修正式德菲法萃取海峽兩岸旅行社管 理者觀點並確立評選準則, 其次, 層級分析法(AHP)進一步建構出國際 郵輪供應商策略聯盟夥伴之評選模式。本文研究結果將有助於海峽兩岸 觀光主管機關、旅行社業者及國際郵輪供應商在郵輪旅遊產品之內容規 劃與整體服務品質提升, 並提供國際郵輪供應商管理者擬定跨國策略聯 盟夥伴評選之參考。 The cruise industry has experienced rapid growth in recent years; it also demonstrates great potential in aspect of global economic development. Meanwhile, Asia is a fast-emerging market, and many cruise lines are very keen at expanding into this region. Therefore, how to evaluate the strategic alliance regarding the international cruise suppliers and the cross-strait travel agencies has become an exceedingly significant research issue. In previous studies, the concept concerning the strategic alliance partners’ selection is mainly discussed amid the tangible commodities or non-service industry. Nevertheless, they did not examine the specific issues addressed in the present research. The present research will combine qualitative (literature review, in-depth interviews, and modified Delphi method) and quantitative (analytic hierarchy process, AHP) methods to explore the selection criteria of strategic alliance partner; secondly, it implements the AHP approach to calculate the overall weights. The results of this study will bilaterally contribute to Taiwanese and Mainland China governments in addition to the cross-strait travel agencies and international cruise suppliers, specifically when it comes to enhancing the overall service quality in cruise tourism. Simultaneously, it provides some references as regard to how to select a suitable strategic alliance partner.