網路及資訊技術進入雲端應用與巨量資料的新世代,雲端服務所帶來高度資料集中化而引發的資安 問題,尤其是在資訊隱私權方面,日益受到各界的重視。本研究將探討雲端及巨量資料運算環境中 衍生的資安問題,特別是近期重要議題,個人隱私權中的新議題-被遺忘權,透過分析使用者保護資 安與隱私的觀念與行為,瞭解其對台灣大學生所產生的影響。本研究亦將提出如何提升對被遺忘權 認知之方法與宣導,以及面對資安隱私問題之因應與防護的相關建議。 In the last few years, cloud and big data computing has grown fast and become very popular due to technology advances. But as more and more information on individuals and companies is placed in the cloud, concerns are beginning to grow about the information security and privacy. This research attempts to discuss security and privacy issues, requirements and challenges for cloud and big data computing and to understand the right to be forgotten in information privacy, by investigating user concept and behavior, and to avaluate the impact on college students in Taiwan. Recommended promoting the awareness of the right to be forgotten methods and will be suggested for college students.