隨著企業社會責任的概念逐漸發展與成熟,企業社會責任已然成爲政府與企業界重視 的一環。然而,現有文獻卻甚少針對企業社會責任如何影響廠商的均衡硏發投資量、競爭 行爲、政府的均衡硏發補貼政策(均衡出口貿易政策),以及之間的可能相互影響關係進 行較爲深入的硏究與探討。有鑑於此,本計畫建立一個結合硏發補貼政策、出口貿易政 策與考量企業社會責任的一般化模型,根據此模型,我們將探討在廠商以極大化企業社 會責任爲目標的設定下,如何決定其均衡硏發投資量、政府如何決定均衡硏發補貼政策 (出口貿易政策),以及兩家廠商如何在Coumot數量競爭下決定均衡數量等議題。再者, 本計畫將進一步分析比較在不同企業社會責任的設定以及不同的政府的產業政策(貿易 政策)下的市場均衡的異同。最後,本計畫也將前述的分析面向拓展至當兩家廠商進行 Bertrand價格競爭時的情況,以期能有更全面的結果。 Recently, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has now become the main stream all over the world. In the literature, however, there are few comprehensive studies which focus on the interactions among CSR, R&D investment, R&D subsidies and export policies while analyzing the competition between firms. Therefore, in this project, I aim at proposing a general model with R&D, R&D subsidies (or export policies) and CSR components. Based on this model, I will analyze how a firm determines R&D investment, price and quantity in equilibrium, and how the regulator chooses the optimal R&D subsidies (or export subsidies), provided that CSR, instead of the profit, is the main concern of the firm under Cournot competition. Different settings of the proposed model and their possible impacts on the equilibrium will also be discussed in detail. Moreover, based on the proposed framework in this project, I will also study above issues again under Bertrand competition.