摘要: | 本計畫以電視健康醫療談話性節目為對象,分析科學的媒介化。透過爬梳媒介化概念的 發展,以及科學、媒體與公眾之間關係的文獻檢閱,本計畫從電視健康醫療談話性節目發展 的社會歷史脈絡、產製過程、媒介內容,與觀眾的詮釋及對日常生活實踐的影響等面向著手, 期能豐富媒介化概念內涵,擴展以媒介化為概念的研究範疇。 媒介化概念在歐洲媒介與傳播領域受到熱烈討論,研究範疇從政治、宗教、運動、科學 等領域不一而足,台灣近年也開始累積相關研究,尤其展現在政論節目上,然而目前國內尚 未見以媒介化概念分析科學領域的文獻,因此,本計畫希望可以填補此文獻上的不足。 資料收集上,本研究收集目前台灣固定播出的帶狀電視健康醫療談話性節目,討論內容 設定在近年備受討論的三個食品安全議題上:塑化劑、毒澱粉、餿水油。由於食安議題與一 般公眾息息相關,有利於節目內容與焦點團體的資料收集。 本計畫設定為兩年期。研究方法上,第一年以二手文獻與深度訪談收集並整理電視健康 醫療談話性節目發展的歷史脈絡、產製過程,並進行節目的內容分析。第二年除持續分析節 目內容之外,以焦點團體收集觀眾對節目的詮釋,以及對其日常生活實踐(例如:醫病關係) 的影響。 This project aims to analyse the mediatization of science in the case of popular televised health and medical discussion programmes. It applies the concept of mediatization to investigate the following dimensions of the programmes—the socio-historical context, the process of production, media content, audience interpretation, and the impacts on audience’s daily life practice. It hopes to contribute to the conceptual development of mediatization as well as the application of mediatization to diverse fields. The concept of mediatization has gained heated discussion in media and communication studies in European countries within the fields of politics, religion, sport, science, etc. In recent years, scholars in Taiwan started to appropriate ‘mediatization’ to analyse televised political discussion programmes in particular. However there is hardly academic work regarding the mediatization of science in Taiwan. This project hopes to bridge the gap in the literature. In terms of the cases studied, this project focuses on the regular televised health and medical discussion programmes, particularly on the discussion of three food safety issues took place in recent years——plasticizer, industrial starch, and blended oil products. Since the general public is highly concerned with food safety, these three issues are in the hope to provide sufficient data for this research. With the schedule of this two-year project, in the first year, second-hand materials and in-depth interviews are adopted to understand the historical context and the process of production. Content analysis of the programmes is conducted. In the second year, apart from analysing the remaining content of the programmes, members of focus groups are recruited to provide their interpretations and to discuss the impacts of these programmes on their daily life practice, e.g. as patients, their relationships with doctors. |