The Joy Luck Club, published in 1989, marks a distinct growth of Asian American literature in the world. It explores the mother-daughter relationship in each particular case between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American born daughters.
In this novel, people may initially feel empathic with women, who endure husband’s betrayal, sustaining survival in wartime more difficultly than men do, easily entrapped into dilemmatic situations which result in social misjudgments on their virtues, and treated as “bearing-machine” without respecting their value. Nevertheless, under the Buddhist view, those unconsciously curtain the roots of miserableness for all the figures. This thesis appreciates honoring women’s perseverance in all times but lagging behind her selfishness and stubbornness perceived in loving others.
Besides, it discusses the ego in motherhood, which no one could believe in its existence. In Oxford dictionary, a mother refers to a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth. In real life, people always keep in mind that a mother lives for her child. A mother is consistently thought to sacrifice her whole life to better off her child’s life; however, maternal egoism turns out to spoil the love for her child.
This thesis intends to explore the human characteristics as reflected in mother-daughter and husband-wife relationship in The Joy Luck Club and attempts to clarify the reasons of the characters’ misery. It also highlights the comparison between Western and Eastern parenting practices and investigates children’s psychology under different parental nurturance so that the outcomes of raising children with full development ensured can be recommended.