本研究運用Adrienne Rich和Judith Butler等理論家之酷兒理論,企圖分析解讀電影中社會建構對性別角色的限制,並探討愛情超越性別,及性別角色在同性戀與異性戀之間流動的可能。
Korean society is highly homophobic and most queer people are forced to stay within the closet. The movie “Bungee Jumping of Their Own” was released in 2001, where there was much less awareness of gay relationships in South Korea, and those who were aware of it regarded it as being taboo, and perhaps as a means of spreading HIV/AIDS. On the other hand, “A Frozen Flower” and “Coffee Prince” were released in 2008 and 2007, when there was a little more awareness but extensive homophobia. Gender fluidity and sexual inversion have become an important area of study, and have also been the motivating force behind this thesis. The main objective of the thesis is to explore the protagonist’s display of sexual fluidity in terms of his attraction to others, and to look at how the film has used the concept of “love” to show that a gendered body doesn’t necessarily play a role in attraction. The research method is qualitative, and uses feminist and queer theories, including those of Butler and Rich, as well as visual texts.