摘要: | 警察的工作經常和危險劃上等號,尤其站在第一線警察人員經常面臨不可預知的危險,執行酒測勤務有可能遭酒醉撞死,追捕人犯亦有可能導致人犯、自己或無辜第三者受傷,甚至死亡,對於這些種種意外,事後若無法得到公家撫卹、慰問金,留給家屬不只悲傷、壓力,有時還得面對民事求償。警友會的成立就是彌補公部門力有未逮情形,協助服務警察機關與警察人員不管物質、設備或精神的鼓舞之第三部門。
Police work is often equated with danger, especially in the front line police officers often face the risk of unpredictable, for these various surprises afterwards If you can not get public pension, relief funds, leaving the families of more than sadness, stress, and sometimes have to deal with a civil claim. Police established Friends of the public sector is the skills needed to make up for the case to assist the police service and police officers encouraged the substance regardless of the device or the spirit of the third sector.
Through this study, literature review, research and the use of in-depth interviews, the interviewees have police Friends of cadres. Friends of the members of the police and the police will contact the Friends of the window of a police officer, the study found:
A police club is a group of business leaders, and community composed of selfless public-spirited members of the Friends of the police are strong cohesion centripetal force, for the purposes of the organization's mission, members do not go all out to seek feedback.
Second, police club to assist the police, whether individual or agency in the material or moral support, to enhance the morale of the police, shaping the image of the police has its positive meaning.
Third, the police club spared no effort to help facilitate the work of the police, the police bridges of communication with the public, which is not only closer police-community relations and promote police cooperation, and contribute to social stability and harmony. |