摘要: | 本研究以舞蹈家林郁晶為研究對象,並以他 2013 年的舞作《青春的浪漫》 為分析案例。本論文主要分析林郁晶舞蹈創作理念,第一部分主要敘述林郁晶 之舞蹈學習背景與創作歷程,並從他以往的作品中分析其舞作創作的主題、形 式與風格及動作語彙的發展,以及從他的創作過程中,如何啟發舞者從舞作中 開創出具有個人特色的訓練模式,讓作品發展的走向有更多新意;第二部分主 要是分析《青春的浪漫》之舞蹈意涵與肢體語彙,以及研究者如何從主、客觀 的立場分析和詮釋此舞作。研究者從此研究,對於這位編舞家的舞蹈藝術與教 學理念深感認同,並從參與《青春的浪漫》編排過程了解此舞作的結構與意涵, 同時也透過參與舞作的表演歷程審視自我的舞作詮釋能力。
根據本研究的特質與需求,研究方法之運用以 Stake(1995)個案研究法為主, 研究理論的發展上將以 June Layson(1994A)的舞蹈歷史研究法作為理論基礎。 其次,再運用 June Layson(1994B)的舞蹈史料分析法,收集不同類型的資料。 並加上 Bleicher(1990)詮釋學概念作為親身體驗為依據,最後以 Michael Quinn Patton 的三角驗證(1980),將有關資料做一交叉比對與驗證。
透過此研究,研究者除了可以經由林郁晶的創作歷程了解其舞作風格之外, 也可以從他的求學過程及舞蹈歷練中,理解其所受之訓練、經驗與學習,如何 影響他日後的創作理念。此外,研究者除了透過資料分析與訪談深入解析其每 部作品的共通性與差異性,也從親身參與舞作演出的過程來進行自我突破與情 感詮釋的提升,使自身在肢體表演更精湛。期望此研究可以在未來提供舞蹈創 作與表演上作為參考範例。
This research focused on the choreographer, Yu-Chin Lin, and his dance work ”Romantic Youth” in 2012. The essay mainly aimed to study Lin’s choreographic philosophy. In the first part, it explored his background of dance training and the journey of choreography. Moreover, it concentrated on analyzing his work in terms of content, form and characteristics and the development of movement language. Through which the ways of training dancers and the method of instruction will be revealed. The second part of the essay focused on the interpretation the meaning and movement language of ”Romantic Youth”. On the other hand, the researcher will review the expression of ”Romantic Youth” subjectively and objectively.
There were four research methods used in this research. 1.The Case Study of Stake (1995) was used as the methodology according to the study specialty and requirement. 2.The history of dance written by June Layson (1994A) was applied as the theoretical foundation. And the method of June Layson (1994B) was also used to collect data of various categories. 3. The concept of hermeneutics proposed by Bleicher (1990) led the researcher to experience how theory can be brought into actual practice.4. The triangulation of Michael Quinn Patton (1980) was used to verify the collected data via cross-examination.
Through this research the Lin’s choreographic philosophies and the ways of training dancers were appreciated; when the researcher participates in ”Romantic Youth” she has learnt that how can be an originality, uniqueness and expressive dancer. |