This paper focus on the variable of TAIEX warrant implied volatility. We use 5 variables which are trading volume, historical volatility, underlying asset ROI, S/K (moneyness) and 1-year annualized trading day, trying to find out the variable of TAIEX warrant implied volatility. The sample period is from 2009/6/1 to 2013/6/30. There are 1135 warrants in this period. We use two filters to exclude improper data: 1. 0 trading volume 2. 5 days data before settlement day. There are 75 warrants fit this condition. We use analysis of regression to test 32 call warrants and 43 put warrants. The results show that historical volatility, S/K (moneyness) and 1-year annualized trading days are obvious affect TAIEX warrant implied volatility.