摘要: | 部分時間工作勞動已經成為先進國家使用之趨勢與象徵,當經濟、科技、政治都邁向全球化的時刻,部分時間工作勞動勢必在該國占有一席之地,因此在全球化下的一員,對於部分時間工作勞動之規定勢必需要有所了解與認識,因此本論文以兩岸部分時間工作勞動法規範之比較研究,主要以兩岸部分時間工作勞動者基本權益保障之工作權、平等權、退休及資遣費;勞動條件探討則以工資、休假、職業災害補償等為討論主軸,共分為五章,如下。
While the economy, technology, and politics are all marching toward globalization, part-time works have taken an important spot as a symbol of the developed countries. Since our nation is becoming apart of the globalization countries, we should understand and become more aware to the purpose of part-time works. This paper discusses and contrasts the
difference between the regulation of the part-time works of China and Taiwan. The paper mainly emphasizes on the difference of basic rights, equal rights, retirement, and severance pay of China and Taiwan’s part-time works; the study of the condition of labor mainly discusses on the subject of the wages, leaves, and occupational accident compensation. This paper divides into five chapters:
Chapter one, the preface of the paper, explains the motivation and the
background of this study, the purpose and the structure of this paper, and the range and limitations of this study.
Chapter two analyzes the background of both China and Taiwan’s treatment of basic rights for part-time works. This includes clarifying the definitions of part-time work and full-time work, the background and the development of the establishment of the part-time work regulation, and gives a basic and general evaluation. Bases on the analysis and clarification, this chapter also compares and contrasts the regulation of part-time works of China and Taiwan with C 175 and C 182 proposal of International Labor Organization (ILO).
Chapter three contrasts on the guarantee of part-time worker’s basic rights and benefits between China and Taiwan, and also confers the China and Taiwan’s regulation of worker’s basic working rights and benefits, and part-time worker’s problems in working right of work, equal rights, retirement, and severance pay etc. Moreover, this chapter induces and compares both China and Taiwan’s guarantee of part-time worker’s basic rights and benefits with the partial service treaty of the ILO, at the same time, addresses the problem within contents of the legal norm.
Chapter four consults the legal issue of both China and Taiwan’s guarantee of part-time worker’s major working rights and benefits, and specifically discusses the legal issue of part-time worker’s wages, leave, and occupational accident compensation of the guarantee of part-time worker’s major working rights and benefits. At the same time, this chapter addresses the problems of the application and practice of the guarantee of part-time worker’s major working rights and benefits.
Chapter five induces and arranges the previous four chapters, summarizes and proposes the study, and gives a final conclusion for the paper. |