摘要: | 近年人們喜愛去自然地區從事生態旅遊。並未事先進行影響評估與遊客衝擊管理,不當的旅遊方式,大量遊客湧入,導致原有自然環境改變與破壞,本地居民生活方式的轉變,在地文化消失等問題。本論文以生態旅遊觀點探討新北市富基漁港,在漁港轉變過程中的影響與負面因子。研究內容包括生態旅遊的定義,生態旅遊的發展概況,國內外生態旅遊相關文獻,生態旅遊相關法規與政策,生態旅遊造成的影響與檢討,與新北市富基漁港的發展概況與發展生態旅遊潛力評估等。
In recent years, people enjoy eco-tourism in natural areas. With no previous execution Traffic Impact Assessment and Visitor Impact Management, has lead to natural environment changes ,residents' lifestyle changes, cultural disappearances and other issues .In this paper, using eco-tourism point of view, to study the impacts of Fuji Fishing Port 's Project, both positive and negative. The study includes the definition of eco-tourism, eco-tourism development, eco-tourism literature, ecotourism regulations, and Fuji Fishing Harbor eco-tourism promotion and assessment.
Though the survey found Fuji Fishing Port Environmental Engineering did not bring much sustainable development, it still caused many negative factors. Negative factors include traffic, moving lines of conflict, parking lot rainwater, sewage, waste water and other issues. We used Storm Water management to assess 276,480 cubic meters of space for this study. According to parking space estimates, car parking : 200 lots <contains disability parking 20 lots>, motorcycle parking: 160 lots, 10 tour bus parking slots and truck slots: 11. By setting ecological pools, adding sewage, waste water sediment filters to avoid discharge into rivers and oceans, can prevent pollution and ecological damage.
Through a variety of methods, we strive to improve Fishing Port using new designs and planning. However, due to regulatory and data limits, only the fishing port entrance design was approachable, while the detailed design, is in wait for more data in order to proceed, with a hope to install an estimate tourist design, to depict how much visitors and tourists would impact the Fishing port. This paper can be used as a reference to government and related parties for future reference. |