都市的高度發展帶動了經濟繁榮與便利性的提升,人口結構及土地使用相對應的改變,都市化的結果使得生物棲地破碎化(habitat fragmentation)問題浮現,嚴重影響到生物物種之生存與繁衍。在都市的基質之下,公園綠地是少數接近自然的區域,因此也為蝴蝶提供一個良善的庇護所。相關研究中指出,蝴蝶對棲地變化具有高度敏感性,可以快速的反應出棲地結構及植栽組成,常被作為棲地特徵與生態評估之指標生物。因此本研究選出臺北市82處都市公園綠地進行蝴蝶物種之調查,以統計分析方法釐清蝴蝶物種多樣性與公園空間結構間之關聯性。本研究結果顯示:1.臺北市都市公園綠地中共記錄到55種蝶種,其中以沖繩小灰蝶(Zizeeria maha okinawana)、紋白蝶(Pieris rapae crucivora)、台灣黃蝶(Eurema blanda arsakia)、波紋小灰蝶(Lampides boeticus)及琉璃波紋小灰蝶(Jamides bochus formosanus)為優勢蝶種。2.面積大之公園,蝶類豐富度及豐度也越高;距離效應僅影響蝶類豐富度,離山區越近的公園,蝶類豐富度越高;公園周邊NDVI越高,蝶類豐富度及豐度也越高。3.影響蝶種豐富度的空間因子為公園綠地面積、公園內部NDVI及喬灌木覆蓋面積,其中以公園面積為最重要的因子,當公園面積大於4公頃時可有效提升蝶種豐富度。4.蝶種豐度受水體覆蓋比例影響,水體覆蓋比例大於1.8%以上時,對於提升蝶種豐度最有幫助。5.蝶種均勻度受距離效應影響,距離效應越大則蝶種分布越不均,而公園內部不透水鋪面、建築物、及草地面積大時,皆會使蝶種均勻度降低,因此本研究建議都市公園綠地的開發,除應增加公園綠地面積,多配置喬灌木,草地面積不應高於整體面積的32%,減少不透水鋪面及建築物面積,並應加強公園周邊的綠化以提高連接度。
Urbanization has caused land use changes and habitat fragmentation, threatening species survival and reproduction. In urban areas, parks are potential shelters for butterflies. Previous literature have also suggested that butterflies are potential indicators of environmental change because of their rapid alternation of generations and high sensitivity to plant composition. This study focuses on the relationship between urban park structure and butterflies. We selected 82 urban parks in Taipei city using stratified-random samples, and took butterfly surveys. Results show that : (1). 55 butterfly species were recorded in urban parks, and Zizeeria maha okinawana、Pieris rapae crucivora、Eurema blanda arsakia、Lampides boeticus and Jamides bochus formosanus are dominant species. (2). Butterfly richness and abundance increase with park area. Distance only affects butterfly richness: parks in the urban core have lower butterfly richness. Higher NDVI values around parks can increase butterfly richness and abundance. (3). Landscape structure inside the parks have greater influence on butterfly richness, and park area is the most important predictor of butterfly richness. When park area is higher than 4 ha, butterfly richness is the highest. (4). Water coverage increases butterfly abundance, which is highest when the area of water is more than 1.8%. (5). Butterfly eveness is influenced by the distance effect: eveness is lower in the urban core. Buildings, impermeable surface, and grass area inside parks also decrease butterfly eveness. Our results suggest that not only should the area of parks be increased, but more trees and shrubs should be planted. In order to increase butterfly richness and abundance, grass area should be lower than 32%, the area of impermeable surface and buildings should be decreased, and connectivity around urban parks could be increased with more urban greening.