摘要: | 目的:探討8週核心肌阻力訓練對呼吸肌相關功能產生的立即反應與適應效果。方法:招募28名一般健康男性,隨機分配至訓練組 (COR) 與控制組 (CON)。訓練組進行8週,每週3天,至少1天休息的核心肌阻力訓練。訓練動作為前俯棒式、左側橋、右側橋、軀幹捲曲4種,進行3組,每組維持50秒,組間休息10秒。並於訓練前 (pre)、初次訓練後 (day 1)、8週訓練後 (post)、停止訓練2週後 (post 2),測量呼吸肌功能:最大呼氣壓 (maximum expiratory pressure, MEP)、最大吸氣壓 (maximum inspiratory pressure, MIP),以及肺功能:用力肺活量 (forced vital capacity, FVC)、第1秒用力呼氣量 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second, FEV1)、第1秒用力呼氣率 (FEV1/FVC)、最大自主通氣量 (maximum voluntary ventilation, MVV)。訓練前與8週訓練後亦進行核心肌肉適能測驗:下背肌力、屈膝腹部耐力測驗、仰臥起坐。結果:(1) 單次刺激反應方面,初次訓練後的FVC (4.39 ± 0.45 L) 與FEV1 (3.71 ± 0.50 L/s) 分別顯著低於訓練前 (4.46 ± 0.49 L; 3.80 ± 0.48 L/s, p < .05)。(2) 8週訓練適應方面,下背肌力、屈膝腹部耐力與仰臥起坐測驗成績有顯著的訓練效果 (訓練前分別為87.26 ± 21.81 kg; 100.89 ± 48.80 sec; 24.24 ± 12.88 times:訓練後分別為100.09 ± 15.54 kg; 171.94 ± 60.09 sec; 37.88 ± 21.40 times, p <. 05),呼吸肌功能與肺功能皆未有顯著變化 (p > .05)。結論:8週核心肌等長阻力訓練,雖能顯著改善核心肌肉適能,對呼吸肌與肺功能無法產生顯著的訓練效果。
Purpose: To investigate the effects of an 8-week core muscle resistance training on respiratory muscle functions included both immediate reaction and adaptation. Methods: Recruited and randomly assigned 28 healthy males to a core training group (COR) and a control group (CON). COR underwent 8-week core muscle resistance training, 3 days per week, with at least one day interval. Each set of exercises included plank, right and left side bridge, crunch, where each exercise was performed 3 sets for 50 seconds each with a 10 seconds rest in between. Measurements were conducted before training (pre), after the first training session (day 1), after the 8-week training (post) and 2 weeks after training program (post 2). Data collected included respiratory functions: maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP); lung functions: forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), FEV1/FVC ratio (FEV1%), maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV); as well as core muscular fitness: back muscle strength, trunk flexor endurance test (TFET), sit up. Results: (1) In terms of acute response, day 1 FVC (4.39 ± 0.45 L) and day 1 FEV1 (3.71 ± 0.50 L/s) were significantly lower than pre (4.46 ± 0.49 L; 3.80 ± 0.48 L/s, p < .05). (2) Eight weeks of core muscle endurance training resulted significant improvement in core muscular fitness: back muscle strength, trunk flexor endurance test (TFET), sit up (pre: 87.26 ± 21.81 kg; 100.89 ± 48.80 sec; 24.24 ± 12.88 times: post: 100.09 ± 15.54 kg; 171.94 ± 60.09 sec; 37.88 ± 21.40 times, p < .05). However, no significant increase in respiratory muscle and lung functions could be found (p > .05). Conclusion: Eight weeks of core muscle isometric training significantly resulted in improvements in core muscular fitness, no significant training effects could be found in respiratory muscle and lung functions. |