摘要: | 研究目的:一、彙整楊式太極拳的修煉階段歷程。二、分析與歸納出楊式太極拳修煉的各階段與其內容。三、從楊式太極拳文獻中推論出較為統一且一致性的楊式太極拳修煉階段。四、分析出楊式太極拳修煉至上乘功夫時的狀態。研究方法:本研究以文獻歸納法來蒐集與研究內容相關的背景文獻,再用文獻分析法從每個背景文獻中找出之間的相關性,把這些相關性文獻對照後,整合出與本研究內容最為符合的最相關文獻。統整文獻共分為三大項的文獻類型為:1.背景文獻2.相關文獻3.最相關文獻。研究討論:太極拳的修煉階段是相互滲透,不能分得太過清楚。如基本功為站樁、學習放鬆,但進入到階段性的推手練習時,也必須掌握原先基本功以及放鬆的狀態。研究結論: 一、楊式太極拳修煉階段說「煉精化氣、煉氣化神、煉神還虛」的解釋,每篇文獻看法均為一致。二、楊式太極拳修煉階段,初階為「基本功(站樁、功架)、學鬆柔(用意識導引放鬆)、套路(用意識操作動作)」;中階為「內氣(氣通前、後三關)、推手(包含:沾、黏、連、隨,也就是聽勁)、懂勁(得到運動知覺)」;高階為「尺寸分毫(量人體尺寸)、節拿抓閉(節膜、拿脈、抓筋、閉穴)、階及神明(神妙莫測)」。三、「煉精化氣」是要放鬆身心,內氣才自然會通達各處無阻。「煉氣化神」是要讓自身內氣以意識調控,使內氣通達前後三關,再藉由推手的知覺敏銳度之練習,而漸漸達到懂勁的階段。「煉神還虛」是要達到不需經過思考,就能以自身的反應反射出動作,且身形轉換神妙莫測。四、太極拳修煉至上乘功夫的狀態為精氣神合一,且達到高超的靈敏感應與反應,能藉自身的意念操控氣、勁的去向,最後達到順其自然。
Objective: 1. Aggregated Yang style Tai Chi practice phase process. 2. Inference the Yang style Tai Chi practice phase and content. 3. Inference from the Yang style Tai Chi Chuan literature that consistent practice phase.4. Inference Yang style Tai Chi practice High level status. Methods: This study was to investigate the methods used to collect literature and research literature relevant background, relevant literature analysis and then find out from every background literature between the relevance of these documents after the control, and the integration of the most consistent of the research literature. Integration literature is divided into three items of document types are:1. background document 2. the relevant literature 3. the most relevant literature. Research and discussion: Tai Chi Chuan practicing phase is mutual penetration, can not share too clearly. Example: Kung Fu shelf basic skills, learning to relax, but when entering the phase of Push Hands, also must predominate basic skills as well as the original state of relaxation. Conclusions: 1. Yang style Tai Chi Chuan cultivation phase: cultivation Refined change Chi, cultivation Chi change Divinity, cultivation Divinity turn Tranquility. interpretations are consistent view of each document. 2. Yang style Tai Chi Chuan practice phase, basic is "Basic training (Piles step, Kung Fu shelf), Learn loose soft (Awareness guided relaxation), Routine (Awareness operator action)";middle is "internal Chi (Chi through the three acupuncture point), promoter (comprising: a stick, sticky, even, with, that is to listen to Jin), understand Jin (get motion perception) "; high level is " Size nothing (the amount of body size), section get caught closed (section film, take pulse, grab bars, and closing point),turn to the divinity (marvelous and unpredictable). 3. Cultivation Refined change Chi, is to relax mind and body, Chi will be natural accessible only around unimpeded. Cultivation Chi change Divinity, is ourself Chi to make their own sense of control, so that the internal Chi around the front three Acupuncture, and then by pushing hands exercises perceptive degrees, and gradually achieve understand strength phase. Cultivation Divinity turn Tranquility, is to reach without reflection, we will be able to own reaction reflected the action, and the conversion marvelous physique and unpredictable. 4. Yang style Tai Chi practice High level status is Refined, Chi, Divinity syncretic, and achieve excellent sensitivity and response induction, can borrow their ideas manipulation Chi, Jin's strike, and finally to go with the natural. |