目的:本研究目的旨在探討運動後增能作用對划船選手30秒溫蓋特衝刺測驗運動表現的影響。方法:以11名高中划船選手為受試對象 (年齡17 ± 0.9歲;身高173 ± 3.5公分;體重69 ± 5.0 公斤),以重複量數平衡次序原則之實驗設計,於低強度持續運動熱身後讓受試者分別接受3種不同實驗處理,實驗處理包括:等長誘發處理 (5秒x 3次最大自主收縮) 、等張誘發處理 ( 5秒x 3次最大努力衝刺) 及控制處理,實驗處理後5分鐘進行30秒溫蓋特衝刺測驗。結果:經過等長誘發處理後,30秒溫蓋特測驗衝刺測驗的功率峰值顯著高於控制處理 (p<.05),在平均功率部分,等張誘發處理後顯著高於控制處理 (p<.05)。然而,在疲勞指數與槳頻部分,3種不同實驗處理間皆未發現顯著差異(p>.05)。結論:等長誘發處理能提升划船選手30秒溫蓋特測驗的功率峰值,然而等張誘發處理後則能促進平均功率輸出。
Purpose: To investigate the rowing players’ performance on 30-second Wingate Test after post-activation potentiation. Methods: The 11 high school rowing players were selected as subjects (age 17 0.9 years; 173 3.5 cm in height; 69 5kg in weight). The experimental design of the order of the repeated measures of the number of the balance of the low intensity, after sustained exercise the participants accepted 3 different experimental treatments. Experimental treatment include: Isometric induced treatment (5 seconds x 3 times maximal voluntary contraction), Isometric induced treatment (5 seconds x 3 times best to sprint) and control treatment, after the experimental treatment for 5 minutes 30 s Wingate sprint test which performed by all subjects. Results: after treatment induced by isometric, 30 second Wingate test’ peak power was significantly higher than the control treatment (p<.05), the readings of average power, after treatment induced by isometric was significantly higher than the control treatment (p<.05). However, in the fatigue index and the pitch frequency, there were no significant differences between the 3 experimental treatments (p>.05). Conclusion: Isometric induced treatment can enhance the rower 30 second Wingate test peak power, but after Isometric induced treatment can promote the average power output.