摘要: | 新形勢下台澳關係的探討 中文摘要 2008年3月馬英九在總統大選中獲勝,說明了他得到台灣民眾的支持與背書,因此他的大陸政策一定會遵循台灣民意,但另方面他也可能會尋求改變民進黨執政時代的措施。依目前兩岸關係來說,可以說是過去二十年來氛圍最好的時候,也是北京所說的是「歷史難得的機遇期」。而作為兩岸之間橋樑的港澳地區,當然也因而會聚焦在此項事件的變化裡。特別是澳門居民,傳統上對台灣較香港帶有强烈的感情,相對就會對馬英九未來的走向比較關切。 在兩岸關係緩解的當下,過去一直未後重視的台澳關係有了重新審視的機會,本研究試圖從歷史、社會、現實三個層面,重新梳理未來的台澳關係。在歷史方面,台灣與澳門均受過外來的殖民統治,無論是統治台灣的日本或統治澳門的葡萄牙,都對台灣與澳門的社會留下了許多的影響。本研究會從歷史面向,討論殖民文化對台澳在歷史發展的影響何在,並找出台澳可供雙方借鏡的歷史經驗。在社會方面,台澳雙方均屬多元文化結構,但為何澳門的社會較為穩定,並沒有出現大幅波動的情況,而澳門人的較具有宿命論,不想理會過多的政治事務。反觀台灣,同樣是屬於多元的文化結構,但台灣人卻比較具有對抗政治權威的意識,本研究會從社會組成的因素來探討台澳之間出現此種差異的原因。在現實方面,澳門新特首崔世安上任後,有意加強台澳之間的交流,而台灣在民主政治上的經驗正可供澳門未來直選特首獲立法會議員時的參考。而澳門在開放陸客自由行以及經營博彩業的經驗,亦可提供台灣借鏡。 本研究從歷史、社會、現實三個層面分析新形勢下的台澳關係,希望藉由本研究,能夠使台澳之間發展的經驗得到相互借鏡的功效,並透過本研究,加強台灣的澳門研究質量,將澳門值得台灣借鏡、學習甚至是避免的經驗透過學術性的研究介紹給台灣的學界。
The Research intoTaipei-Macao Relationship under New Situation Summary March, 2008 Ma Ying-jeou’s victory of the presidential election indicates the endorsement of Taiwan people. Therefore Ma’s Mainland-China policy must follows Taiwan’s public will, in the other hand he might change old measures made under DDP’s governance. Current Cross-strait relationship, as in the best moment of last two decades, is also defined as a precious opportunity by Beijing. As the bridge between cross-straits, Hong Kong and Macao are both focusing on the change, especially the residents of Macao, traditionally have stronger feeling toward Taiwan than Hong Kong. They might pay more attention to the future trends of Ma Ying-jeou. Because of the ease of cross-straits relationship, Taipei-Macao relationship, which was ignored for the past time, has the chance to be rechecked. This research tries to list the future of Taipei-Macao relationship systematically through history, social construction and reality these three aspects. On the historical aspect, Taiwan and Macao were both colonial ruled, no matter Japan colonial ruled Taiwan or Portugal colonial ruled Macao. They both left lots of affection to Taiwan’s and Macao’s society. From the social-constructed perspective, this research will examine Taiwan and Macao’s society in which both are multi-cultural structure. However Macau’s society is much stable, residents intend not to be involved into political reforms. In contrast with Macau, Taiwanese tend to have more anti-authority consciousness. The research is going to find the reason of this discrepancy from the social factors. From the realistic perspective, the new chief executive Chui Sai On means enhance the relationship between Taiwan-Macao. Taiwan’s democratic experiences could be reference materials to Macao’s oncoming election of chief executive or legislative assembly, and Macao’s experiences of running gambling business and backpacking of Mainland China’s residents could also be reference resources of Taiwan. The research analyzes Taiwan-Macao relationship under the new situation through history, social construction and reality, three aspects. Hoping that Taiwan and Macao could learn from each other’s developing experiences through the research. Through this science research could enhance Taiwan’s research of Macao and introduce the Macao model to Taiwan. |