本研究之目的是應用運動生物力學的方法,分析肢障鉛球選手鉛球投擲動作,探討其影響投擲技術相關之參數,以及介入上肢肌力重量訓練前後,鉛球投擲的生物力學參數的差異性,並與2000年雪梨帕運優秀鉛球選手之相關研究參數進行比較。研究方法以2位肢障F57級殘障奧運選手,先做前測拍攝,然後進行為期四個月的上肢阻力訓練,完成之後,做後測拍攝,並分析其影響投擲相關之參數,比較介入上肢阻力訓練前後,鉛球投擲生物力學參數的差異性。研究結果顯示選手在經過四個月上肢阻力訓練後,投擲相關之參數,肩、肘關節角速度、鉛球最後用力上升工作距離、工作時間、上升高度都有增加。本研究結論為: 一、兩位受試者的出手速度與雪梨帕運優秀鉛球選手的速度相近,但投擲成績卻有一大段落差,顯示鉛球投擲成績除了受出手速度的影響外,尚受其它因素影響。兩位受試者出手角度要調整到跟2000年雪梨帕運金牌選手的42度,需要更大的推高能力,必需增加上肢肌力訓練。二、肩、肘關節角速度會在鉛球出手瞬間前迅速增加,肘關節角速度會大於肩關節角速度,肩、肘關節角速度最大峰值出現時間皆為相同,以運動科學的觀點來說,較不符合動力鏈原則。三、水平位移對上升高度跟出手高度是有制約性,因此,增加上升高度就能增加鉛球最後用力工作距離,在充分發揮出手速度的情況下,增大最後用力工作距離與工作時間,能使鉛球獲得較大的功。
The purpose of this study was to analyze the physically disabled shot put players’ throwing motion using sports biomechanics equipments, and to investigate the differences after upper limbs weight training and compare the parameters with the 2000 Sydney Paralympic Games players. Methods: There were two F57 physically disabled shot put players involved in this study and the throwing motion were recorded by cameras before and after 4-month upper extremity resistance training. The data collected before and after training were compared. The results showed that the throwing angular velocity of elbow and shoulder, the raising working distance, working time and raising height during thrusting were increased after training. The first conclusion was that the two subjects showed the similar throwing shot release velocity to the Sydney Paralympic Games players but they didn’t achieve the same performance. It could be affected by other factors except the throwing shot release velocity. The subjects have to improve the upper extremity strength to enhance the thrusting power to close the Sydney Paralympic Games gold medalist’s 42 degrees. Second, it is not an ideal kinetic chain for the subjects’ throwing angular velocity of elbow and shoulder. The peak angular velocity of elbow and shoulder values showed at same time rather than in a sequence. Final, the thrusting horizontal displacement was limited to the throwing shot release height. Therefore, increasing the thrusting vertical displacement could increase the total thrusting distance. In a constant throwing shot release velocity, increasing the total thrusting distance and time could contribute greater work for the shot.