摘要: | 本研究旨在探討分手情傷者參與心理位移團體之經驗。研究資料來源為五位有情緒調適困難的分手情傷者參與心理位移團體後的訪談逐字稿,共計12.5小時。團體共進行8次,每週一次,每次3小時。資料分析採現象學取向資料分析方法進行,研究結果如下:
The purpose of this study is to understand the experience among broken-up participants in an group applying the psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing.
Data were collected from post-group, in-depth interviews with five members who participated in an group held weekly, with a total of eight sessions (3 hours per session). Duration of the interviews amounted to 12.5 hours. The data were analyzed by the applying phenomenon-oriented methodology to the interview transcripts, as the results are shown as follows:
1. The experience of emotional adjustment
(A) The experience of emotional adjustment in terms of writing: The characteristics of the experience of “I pronoun” include “emotion expression and release”, and “having negative feelings at the initial stage, while finding them ease at the later stages”; the characteristics of the experience of “you pronoun” include “empathy”, “emotion regulation”, and “comforting the self”; the characteristics of the experience of “he pronoun” include “not indulging in negative emotions”, “feeling less influenced by the breakup experience”, “alliance”, and “accepting the hurt self”; the characteristics of the shared experience of “you pronoun” and “he pronoun” include “perceiving the breakup event rationally”, and “reduction of negative feelings due to changing perspectives”; the characteristics of the experience of “back to I pronoun” include “reduction of the negative feelings related to the breakup experience”, “full of emotions”, and “having insight into one’s emotions and self”; the characteristics of the whole writing experience include “different feelings”, “being genuine to one’s own emotions without repressing them”, “being empathic”, “paying attention to one’s own emotional state while making adjustments”, and “separation of negative feelings”.
(B) The experience of emotional adjustment in terms of the group: The characteristics include “being empathic”, “less loneliness due to feeling accompanied by others”, “feeling others’ concern about oneself”, “less repression of negative feelings due to experience sharing”, “discovering common emotions among breakup experiences”, “the power which changes one’s own perspective on the breakup experience”, “the power which allows one to face one’s negative emotions”, “the power which allows one to adjust one’s negative emotions”, “awareness of one’s deep emotions through experience sharing”, “feeling peaceful due to the interactions in the group”, “looking forward to the future due to the experience sharing of the group”, “focusing on one’s goal as a way to adjust one’s negative emotions”, and “adjusting emotions in a more mature way”.
2. The experience other than emotional adjustment
(A) The experience other than emotional adjustment in terms of writing: The characteristics of the experience of “I pronoun” include “sensitivity”, “feeling the negative emotions”, “outspokenness”, “holding emotions”, “subjectivity”, and “closeness to the self”; the characteristics of the experience of “you pronoun” include “feeling like the approach of a third person”, “giving suggestions”, “reminding”, and “objectivity”; the characteristics of the experience of “he pronoun” include “feeling like the alienation of a third person”, “rationality”, “calmness without any emotions”, “difficulties in writing: not being close enough, difficulty in transferring into another pronoun, and being incapable of avoiding indulging in negative emotions”, “reminding”, “self-blessing”, “confirming what to do next”, “looking on”, “not worrying about other’s thoughts”, and “less contents at the early stages”; the characteristic of the shared experience of “you pronoun” and “he pronoun” includes “not broadening perspectives”; the characteristics of the experience of “back to I pronoun” include “expressing oneself directly”, “ego integrity”, and “integration of perspectives”; the characteristics of the whole experience other than emotional adjustment include “change in standpoints from different point of views”, “self-exploration through writing”, “broadening perspectives through writing”, “conservative writing style due to social desirability”, “being able to make a more all-round description of one’s experience under no time pressure”, “feeling tight due to the requirement of focus to portray events and emotions”, “following an all-or-none principle in terms of emotions”, and “comparison between psychological displacement writing and normal writing”.
(B) The experience other than emotional adjustment in terms of the group: The characteristics include: 1. the experience of group interaction, including “comfortable group atmosphere”, “more acceptance and empathy due to the homogeneous group”, “high degree of group cohesion”, “being willing to go deep”, “clarification of events”, “discovering other’s merits”, “reduction of the pressure of working through the breakup experience rapidly”, “reminding through experience sharing”, and “bringing positive feelings”; 2. the inner experience among the participants in the group, including “worrying about what others think”; 3. the benefits of the group, including “self-awareness”, “increasing thoughts”, “looking forward to expressing feelings directly”, “worrying about one’s resilience”, “setting the degree of group involvement by one’s experience and rationality”, and “hoping to make a positive impression on others”; 4. and the unique experience of psychological displacement writing in the group, including “being nervous during the first session due to lack of understanding of writing in the right way”, “feeling concentrated”, “true support from others”, “deeper experience sharing if psychological displacement writing is allowed to be done at home”, and “insufficiency of a single session duration”. |