本文以中國、歐洲兩個揚琴體系的揚琴作品做分析,選用四首樂曲分別為中國揚琴體系中,以中國402揚琴演奏的傳統作品《昭君怨》、現代創作《雲端》;以及歐洲揚琴體系中的欽巴龍(Cimbalom)揚琴作品《Dumka-Shumka》、德西馬(Dulcimer)揚琴作品《78 Eaton wood Green》。透過蒐集相關文獻資料、曲式分析等方法,初探中、西揚琴的歷史背景、音樂寫作手法。筆者於演奏詮釋時,嘗試使用中國揚琴演奏欽巴龍、德西馬揚琴作品,研究是否可從其他國家的揚琴作品中,發現中國揚琴作品可茲借鑑的創作素材。期望本文使筆者對世界揚琴有更深入的了解,也為將來學習揚琴的同好者帶來幫助。
Yangqin is an worldwide instrument in 21 century, after all the research, the world yangqin has been divided into three system, “Europe yangqin system”, “south yangqin, west Asia yangqin system”, “China yangqin system”.
The yangqin music was analyzed in both China yangqin system and Europe yangqin system in this text. We choose two musical compositions from China yangqin system, which are traditional composition Plaint of Zhou-Jun and modern composition Over the Cloud, and two from Europe yangqin system, which are Cimbalom composition Dumka-Shumka and Dulcimer composition 78 Eaton wood Green. By collecting the relative paper resource, analyzing the musical structure, we explore the historical background of Eastern and Western yangqin composition, and the technique of yangqin music writing. The composer try to use China yangqin to play Cimbalom and dulcimer, see if we can find some new material from other countries’ yangqin composition that can be used in China yangqin composition. We look forward that the composer can have deeper understanding of world yangqin, and bring some advantages of new yangqin learners.