本研究的主要目的為探討針對網球專項運動能力所設計的八週專項肌力訓練介入對大專男子甲組網球員技能表現之影響。本研究採用國際網球協會(International Tennis Federation) 於2004年公佈的International Tennis Number (國際網球技能評比標準,簡稱ITN) 為網球技能表現測驗方法,測驗項目為底線擊球深度、底線擊球準確率、截擊深度、發球及折返跑共五項測驗。研究參與者共14位大專男子甲組網球選手,分為實驗組 (7位)與對照組 (7位),實驗組與對照組皆參與正常校隊訓練,實驗組除參與正常校隊訓練課程外,額外進行持續八週、每週四次,每次約90分鐘的專項肌力訓練。其結果如下:在進行八週專項肌力訓練後,實驗組於底線擊球深度、底線擊球準確率、截擊深度、發球及折返跑共五項測驗結果皆優於對照組。由此可見,此肌力訓練課表對於網球運動員在技能表現 (底線擊球深度、底線擊球準確率、截擊深度、發球及折返跑) 能有明顯的幫助。
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of eight-week specific muscle training program designed for tennis exercising ability toward the skill performance of college male tennis player. This research took “International Tennis Number” promulgated by International Tennis Federation in 2004 as the testing method for tennis skill performance. The testing items included five parts: groundstroke depth, groundstroke accuracy, volley depth, serve and mobility. There were 14 College Male Tennis Players participating in this research while 7 were for Experiment group and 7 were for Control group. Both groups involved in the regular varsity training while the experiment group additionally took an eight-week muscle training for 4 times per week and 90 minutes for each time. Testing results showed that the experiment group was better than the Control group in all 5 testing items (groundstroke depth, groundstroke accuracy, volley depth, serve and mobility), after the eight-week muscle training program. According to the testing results, this particular eight-week muscle training course made apparent progress on the skill performance for tennis players.