根據相關文獻,維持擎天崗的草原景觀有兩種方法:一是適當的放牧;二是以人力干預,亦即用剪草機定期剪除草原植被以外的灌木及高草類植物,控制草原的植物組成。本研究以人力干預為主,設計不同季節人工除草、定期觀察遊客踩踏影響、新舊人工栽植植草皮競爭狀況及芒草砍除之裸露地觀察等方法。在圍籬內24 ╳ 60 m2的範圍進行不同季節人工除草試驗,4種重複,6種處理,每小區5 ╳ 10 m2;在5種不同類型之步道分別設置每10公尺一條10公尺樣帶,每一條步道一共5條樣帶進行四季調查;其餘兩種模式各設置每隔5公尺一條5公尺樣帶,每一樣區總共12條樣帶進行四季調查。在樣區內用1 ╳ 1 m2方形樣框量測不同植物的覆蓋率,以尋找維持草原生態的最適宜方法,作為管理擎天崗草原景觀之科學參據。
Chingtienkang prairie landscape, within the territory of the Yangmingshan National Park, has a wealth of natural and cultural resources, and the pasture landscape on it has become the major attraction for visitors during holiday. However, more than 300,000 visitors appear in Chingtienkang each year. A large number of visitors stamp, picnic and the dog walking on grazing pasture and surrounding paths, and the invasion of Miscanthus from neighborhood in recent years that leads to the gradual disappearing of the pasture landscape in Chingtienkang.
According to literature, there are two possible methods to maintain Chingtienkang prairie landscape: by proper grazing or by human intervention by regular prune shrubs and grasses in the grassland. The methodology of this study is the latter. Manual weeding was proposed in the 24 ╳ 60 m2 area within the wired fence, with 4 replications, 6 treatments. To observe the effect of tourist stamp on pasture, five 1X10m2 transects each 10m interception were set up in five different kinds of path. Twelve sampling plots were carried out in each of replanting area of new grass and clearing areas of Miscanthus species. Transects of 1 ╳ 10 m2 plots with 5 replications had been applied in each observation. Square frame of 1 ╳ 1 m2 was used to measure the ground coverage of plant species. Appropriate methods of prairie landscape maintenance and administration in Chingtienkang were expected to find out through the studies.
The preliminary results of manual weeding indicated that mowing in the fall had no effect on the coverage of the main vegetation Axonopus affinis Chase in pasture, but all mowing experiments helped controlling the invasion of other species, especially Miscanthus. Visitors stamp had significant impact on the coverage of grass. As a result, cautions should be taken in planning touring trails, or prohibit area should be marked to avoid further damage of grassland.
In addition, great change of the plant species composition had been observed in replanting area of new grass and clearing area of Miscanthus. Proper management methods are needed to save the existing prairie landscape and to achieve the purpose of sustainable use.