隨著世界各國日益重視具歷史價值之建築的保存與改造,並結合企業與藝術家推動各種再利用計畫,近十年來在台灣也開始興起各種以歷史保存為主題的都市再生行動。許多原本閒置或荒廢的歷史建築在政府與民間資源的挹注之下,不僅重新被賦予生命與新風貌,更進而對於周圍環境的品質改善與社區發展產生影響。本論文之目的即在於探討台北市都市更新處於2010年開始推動的「都市再生前進基地」(Urban Regeneration Station, 簡稱URS) 計畫,並具體以甫於2012年9月開幕的URS27W城市影像實驗室為例,試圖從其空間改造與經營之經驗討論以下幾個方面的問題:一、從歷史保存的角度反思URS27W所在建築物做為都市再生前進基地使用時所面臨之困難與挑戰。二、從空間活化使用的角度檢視URS27W在管理、經營與使用等不同方面的成果。三、從都市發展的角度探討URS27W作為都市再生前進基地計畫之實施成效。
With the growing worldwide concern with the preservation and revitalization of historic building, and meanwhile the active collaboration of enterprise and artists, preservation-led urban regeneration in Taiwan has also become more and more popular in recent years. Supported by both public and private sectors, many historic buildings originally idle or abandoned are not only brought to new life, the revitalization process has also improved the quality of the surroundings and stimulated the development of the community. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the Urban Regeneration Station (URS) plan which was initiated by Taipei City Urban Regeneration Office from 2010. In specific, the Taipei Film Range URS27W, opened in September 2012, is studied in detail to explore a series of design and management-related issues: First, the case of URS27W should be examined from the perspective of historic preservation. Second, the current use and management of URS27W should be analyzed in terms of its effectiveness in revitalization. Third, URS27W, as a case of URS plan, should be also studied in its contribution to Taipei’s urban development.