Анекдот是指篇幅短小、內容虛構,多口耳相傳的幽默笑話。在生活節奏日益加快的今天,它已成為俄羅斯人生活中必不可少的一道佐餐,成為喜聞樂見的一種文學形式。但是,анекдот文本中蘊含著各種先例現象,這就在語言、文化、認知等層面為正確理解和恰當運用анекдот帶來很大挑戰。因此,本文試圖以先例名(прецедентное имя)為突破口,對анекдот文本所蘊含的文化資訊進行解讀。
Anecdote is a short but amusing or interesting story about an unreal incident or person. It has become an important part in the life of the Russians and a literature form which loved. But anecdote contains kinds of precedent phenomena bring great difficulties of language, culture, cognition which hinder us from understanding and using correctly. This article attempts to carry on an explanation of the cultural informations contained in the anecdotes.