目的:探討三軸加速規運動錶在田徑場與跑步機進行不同步頻跑走時,各量測值之信度與效度。方法:以10名男性和10名女性為受試對象,每位受試者在手腕配戴三軸加速規運動錶,以平衡次序原則,在田徑場進行不同步頻(100、120、140、160 step/min)的1600公尺跑走測驗各2次,然後,依據受試者在田徑場完成1600公尺的時間,換算成跑步機上速度,再依平衡次序原則,在跑步機上進行與田徑場相同步頻的跑走測驗各2次,每一種步頻的第一次測驗,以氣體分析儀記錄能量消耗,操場和跑步機上運動錶所測得的變項資料皆被記錄。使用二因子重複量數變異數分析進行各測量變項的統計考驗,以ICC進行田徑場與跑步機各項則量變項的信度考驗,統計顯著水準α訂為.01。結果:1.在田徑場上與跑步機上距離測量值,不同步頻與不同受試者組間並沒有顯著差異。2.140、160 step/min步頻的能量消耗測量值顯著大於100、120 step/min步頻的測量值。結論:三軸加速規運動錶在能量消耗測量上會低估步頻低時的能量消耗,高估步頻高時的能量消耗。三軸加速規運動錶所測量的步數、距離和能量消耗皆有普通至良好的再測信度。
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to assess validity and reliability of sport watch of tri-axial accelerometer to measure distance, steps, and caloric at field and on treadmill. Methods: 20 college students (10 male [height: 169.8±6.2 cm, weight: 65.8± 10.5 kg, age: 19.9± 1.2 yr], 10 female [height: 163.3 ± 5.0 cm, weight: 60.2 ± 8.2 kg, age 19.1 ± 0.9yr]) voluntarily participated this study. In balance order, every subject both ran and walked 1600m by different stride frequency (100 step/min, 120 step/min, 140 step/min, 160 step/min) at field for 2 times. 'When ran and walked at field, all subjects wore a sport watch on their wrist to measure the values of distance, steps, and caloric. The four velocities of treadmill were calculated according to the time of walking and running at field. Then all subjects both ran and walked by their four velocities for 2 times in balance order. All subjects' energy consumption were recorded by metalyzer system during their first tests of four different velocities, and recorded the measured values of distance, steps, and caloric on sport watc...