摘要: | 自大陸地區於上世紀1978年改革開放以來,30多年間兩岸在頻繁人流、金流與物流密集接觸背景下,運用引力模式己廣泛研究於兩岸之金流與物流文獻領域。本文運用引力模式,以台灣與大陸地區五省市貿易額總和因素與距離因素解釋與分析兩岸間之人流因素,試圖驗證兩岸進行醫療觀光之潛質研究。本文試圖創新解釋距離因素為兩岸於開放直航後於「北台灣醫療專區」、「中台灣醫療專區」及「南台灣醫療專區」三大醫療專區鄰近之兩岸直航機場與允許台灣服務提供者在上海市、江蘇省、福建省、廣東省及海南省設立台資合資、合作醫院或國際機場聞之「最短距離」方式計量距離,有別於傳統文獻上將台灣視為一整體而僅以單一定位點方式計量距離,突破單一定位點之傳統距離計量方式。本文運用多元迴歸,進行同時迴歸分析,統計結果顯示,台灣前往未來開放大陸地區五省市台資獨資設立醫院之單向人流因素與台灣與大陸地區五省市貿易額總和因素呈現顯著正相關。亦即兩岸積極發展雙邊貿易不但促進經濟成長,雙邊互賴程度提高下,更牽動人流之成長。此外,距離因素於引力模式中與人流因素呈現顯著負相關。以兩岸進行醫療觀光潛質而論,政策面、實質金流、物流與人流頻繁程度皆創造醫療觀光利基。而影響兩岸間人流之貿易額總和因素與距離因素亦為兩岸發展醫療觀光提供驗證性詮釋。
Since 1978, Mainland China has opened itself to the world, during the past thirty years, there are tight contacts regarding to money flow, goods flow, and people flow aspects between people from the cross straits. Under this background, this article attempts to broaden the already frequent studied money and goods flow areas among literatures and explain influencing factors. The purpose of this article is to apply the gravity model theory into the study of the potential of developing medical tourism between Taiwan and five provinces or cities of Mainland China. An innovative way of calculating distance called ”the minimum distance”, counted from the three direct flight airports, which are closed to the three medical tourism zones-North, Middle, and South, and hospitals invested by joint venture Taiwanese enterprises or other cooperative ways located in Shanghai city, Jiangsu province, Fujian province, Guangdong province, and Hainan province. This article creates more than one anchor point to calculate distance which is different from the traditional way by treating the entire Taiwan territory as a whole. The methodology of this article is multiple regression and a simultaneous regression way is applied technically. The result of this article shows that t here is a statistically and positively significant relationship between people flow and the amount of trade across Taiwan and five provinces or cities of Mainland China totally. In other words, developing bilateral trade not only can improve economic development and interdependence from both sides hut also increase the amount of people flow. Also, there is a statistically and negatively significant relationship between people flow and distance. In terms of the potential of developing medical tourism between the cross straits, policy making, the actual frequent money flow, goods flow, and people flow support a solid foundation for developing medical tourism. This article applies the gravity model to empirically interpret the influencing factors of developing medical tourism between Taiwan and Mainland China. |