流體流過-物體時會在該物體表面附近形成一邊界層,該邊界層由上游往下大約可分成層流、過渡流、和紊流三種結構。以數值方法模擬這三種流場結構時若欲保有高效率的計算過程,該流場方程式必須盡量被完全線性化。繼先前對層流和紊流方程式完全線性化的探討工作後,本文將進一步討論三者中最複雜的過渡流方程式的線性化問題並提出其完全線性化之方程式。另外,爲使本數學模式得以有效地模擬發生在過渡流區域中的回流場,其所包含之交互作用邊界條件亦將被完全線性化。該完全線性化之方程組得以用邊框矩陣法(Full Bordering Algorithm)求解。
There are three types of flow structures known as laminar, transitional, and turbulent flows in the boundary layer adjacent to an object submerged in a stream For being able to obtain the most efficient numerical simulation of these flows, the equations must be linearized as much as possible. Based on the previous studies about the linearization of the equations of both the laminar flow and the turbulent flow, the work is now extended to the transitional flow. An interactive boundary condition is also employed and completely linearized so as to possess the potential of effectively simulating the separation flow in the transitional region. The set of linearized equations are then lined up to fit the Full Bordering Algorithm.