近年來,智慧型手機崛起,伴隨著手機的作業系統也逐漸的受到重視。以往手機的作業系統大都是各手機大廠自行開發且為封閉式的,如蘋果電腦的I Phone,但自從Google[1]開始覬覦手機市場的龐大商機,投入資源開發一個完全免費且開放式的手機軟體平台Android[2],它所使用的是Linux[3]作業系統。此外,全球各相關業界與學界便開始爭相探討,也替Linux在智慧型手機的開發與應用上增添了許多趣味。本研究是探討與介紹於桌上型電腦中,使用Java軟體設計應用程式於Google Android作業系統的開發環境中模擬,修改Amarino[4]應用程式經由藍芽來對Arduino[5]電路板進行控制以及數據傳輸,藉此控制燈光變化或電腦音樂的應用,包含設計一些MAX/MSP[6]電腦音樂表現的應用程式,並依應用的需求設計Arduino的控制程式及相關的電子電路。最後,並將應用程式安裝於市售的HTC[7]手機上,配合Arduino微控制器作實驗。
Intelligent cell phone is becoming more popular today. All the traditional intelligent cell phones use closed operating system. Until recently, initiated by Google[1], people use open Linux[3] operating system platform for the cell phone that has facilitated various application designs to be more accessible by common parties. The study here is to utilize a Google Android[2] phone for remote control applications. Specifically, we use a HTC[7] cell phone to combine the recently popular Arduino [5] micro-controller with add-on Bluetooth module for remote control. The Arduino can perform the controller interface for practical control applications like lighting and motor control. Moreover, its JAVA programming environment allows interactive computer music control applicable using the MAX/MSP software [6].