政府組織改造於民國100年起履行,部會數量將由現行37個減為29個。屆時各部會資訊部門暨資訊措施預期將進行調整與整併;為減少組織改造後所帶來的衝擊並符合節能省碳的國際環保趨勢,由行政院研考會試辦共構機房,將資訊資源集中共用。共構機房是以服務為導向將資訊資源進行集中與共用之大型機房,然而在操作及管理上比起自用機房而言則是相對困難許多的。是故,如何快速即時且安全的提供共構機房服務是相當重要的議題。本研究遵循ISO 20000及ISO 27001國際規範標準的最佳指導,提出以自動化流程整合管控及自動化資源、統籌佈署為目的之「統合且機動之維運管理模型」,以本研究提出的模型可以實現服務即時性及資源統籌整合的目的,同時降低在共構機房維運操作過程中,「人」所造成的潛在資安風險因素。
The number of ministries and councils will be reduced from 37 to 29 at 2011 government reform. It will result in the adjustment and integration of IT departments of related organizations. In order to mitigate the impacts from reorganization and follow the global trend of saving energy and reducing carbon dioxide, RDEC (Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of Executive Yuan) has set up an ISDC (Integrated and Shared Data Center) for data centralization and sharing. ISDC is a service oriented IDC (integrated data center) which is a large-scale facility providing data and Internet service f or all participated departments. However, the management and operation of ISDC is more complicated than that of a private data center. Therefore, how an ISDC provides real-time and secure services is an important issue. Based on ISO 20000 and ISO 27001, this study proposes an integrated real-time operation and management model using automotive SOP (standard operating procedure) control and overall resource distribution. Implementation of this model can achieve the purpose of real-time service and resource integration. It also eliminates the potential man-made security risk during ISDC operation process.