摘要: | 台灣木材需求主要是靠進口,自給率甚低,然而近年來森林資源的永續利用日益受到國際重視,也積極推行林產品之認證規範,將來我國木材之需求勢必不能完全仰賴進口,因此,提高木材自給率為當前國內林業重要議題。本研究根據2001~2010年國內森林主產物生產資料,分析近十年木材生產之時間變化趨勢與空間分佈特性。分析結果顯示,近十年木材生產以林務局轄屬林地為主,私有地及原住民保留地次之,生產材種主要包括杉木、相思樹、柳杉及桉樹。在時間趨勢方面,近十年國產材總生產量呈現逐年減少趨勢,尤以相思樹最為明顯,而私有林生產量所占比率則有增加的趨勢。在空間分佈方面,木材生產主要集中在苗栗縣、台東縣、新竹縣及南投縣。主要樹種的木材生產具有明顯的空間集中情形,杉木主要集中在南投縣林務局轄屬林地,相思樹則集中在台東縣原住民保留地及苗栗縣私有林,柳杉主要集中在苗栗縣及新竹縣林務局轄屬林地,桉樹則絕大部分來自台東縣私有林。未來將來若能依據各材種生產之空間分佈加強供需媒合,當能有利於提升國內木材自給率。
With a very low self-sufficiency ratio, the timber consumption in Taiwan is highly dependent on imports. However, as the sustainable use of forest resources and certification of forest products are gaining international attention, the timber demands in Taiwan cannot fully rely on imports in the future. Therefore, how to increase the domestic timber supply has become an important issue. This study analyzed the temporal trend and spatial distribution of domestic timber production during 2001-2010 based on the data collected from the Forestry Bureau. Results showed that during the recent decade, forestlands operated by the Forestry Bureau, private forestlands, and forestlands in the indigenous reserves were the main sources of domestic timber supply. The major tree species of timber production included Cunninghamia lanceolata, Acacia spp., Cryptomeria japonica, and Eucalyptus spp. The overall timber production, and especially that of the Acacia spp., showed a decreasing trend during the past 10 years. However, the proportion from the private forestlands increased gradually. In terms of spatial distribution, Maioli, Taitung, Hsinchu, and Nantou Counties had the highest timber productions. Productions of the major timber species were highly concentrated spatially. Timbers of Cunninghamia lanceolata were mainly produced from forestlands operated by the Forestry Bureau in Nantou County. Timbers of Acacia spp. were mainly from the indigenous reserves in Taitung County and private forestlands in Miaoli County. Timbers of Cryptomeria japonica were mainly from forestlands operated by the Forestry Bureau in Miaoli and Hsinchu Counties. For Eucalyptus spp., the majority of timber productions were from the private forestlands in Taitung County. If the demand and supply can be spatially matched in the future, the self-sufficiency ratio of timber could be improved. |