本計畫本年度目標與預計達成效益如下: 一、完成6種茶亞屬植物之扦插實驗與分析。 二、完成6種山茶屬植物之種子萌發實驗與分析。 三、完成5種油用山茶之田間種植實驗與分析。 四、整理病蟲害資料,提出可能之防治方法。 五、培育2000株山茶苗木,轉移至林務局指定之苗圃,並將栽植技術轉移給相關業務人員。 六、提出山茶保育種原庫設置之規劃。
The objects and estimated benefits of this project for this year are: 一、developing the cultting skills of 6 native camellia plants. 二、testing the seed germinations of 6 native camellia plants. 三、getting the growth data of 5 oil camellia plants. 四、recording the diseases and pests of 6 camellia plants to meet the needs on planting. 五、providing 2000 camellia seedlings and transferring planting skills to the Forestry Bureau. 六、proposing a planning for the native camellia germplasm garden.