摘要: | 位居東亞、中亞、南亞等地區之輻輳位置的西藏高原,崛起一半農半牧的吐蕃王 朝。在李唐矒懂於吐蕃王朝的屬性與特質,並忽略其潛在威脅之下,讓吐蕃坐大。於 西元七世紀後半期開始,形成李唐最大的邊患。為防吐蕃邊患,李唐軍力内輕外重的 部署,間接促成了安史之亂。及至河隴、劍南西山等地失陷,簽下喪權辱國和盟。唐 蕃的互動關係,開啟往後中原王朝與邊疆民族政權的新模式。吐蕃對李唐之影響,乃 至對往後五代趙宋的發展,可謂至深且重。 本計晝的目的,在於解決下列問題,包括如何理解李唐與吐蕃的關係?唐蕃關係 如何遞嬗演進?演變關鍵何在?唐蕃關係在中國史上的意義?透過兼採漢藏史料,佐 以中華傳统天下觀的觀點,以及吐蕃向外擴張的各種現象研判,以實證方法,避免中 國與西方學界的偏見,例如藉由藏文史料的記載,辯正漢史家之曲筆,揭發漢史籍所 隱藏的史實,也針砭國外學界偏頗、片面的成見,與錯誤理解漢藏史料等,突破目前 國内外學界有關唐蕃關係論著的水平,研撰出一本完整詳瞻且討論深入的專書。
The Tibetan plateau has located among East Asia, Central Asia and South Asia, the semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral Tubo dynasty rises within. Since the Tang had no idea about the attribute and characteristic of Tubo dynasty, and ignored below its potential threat, it caused Tubo dynasty got stronger. During the 7th century latter period, Tubo dynasty became the biggest frontier enemy for Tang. In order to guarding against the frontier trouble from Tubo, Tang military arrangement has heavily strengthen her outer and easier within, this bring about the “An-Shi Rebellion indirectly. Until the Shan-xi ,Kan-su fall into the enemy, and signed humiliating treaty. The interacting relationship between Tang and Tubo has started a new mode of Zhong-yuan and border ethic regime. The influence for Tang by Tubo, which has deep and strong at the following Five dynasties (五代)and Zhao Song (趙宋)dynasty. The purpose of this project are solving these problems as follow : Including how to comprehend the relationship of Tang and Tubo? The variable relationship between Tang and Tubo? What are the key factors evolves? The meanings of Chinese history about the relationship between Tang and Tubo? By ways of both adopt with Han and Tibetan documentary, and accompanied with the Chinese tradition worldwide perspective, and judged with the various phenomena that Tubo outward expansion, with empirical method, avoid the prejudice from Chinese and western scholars, such as through Tibetan documentary record, rectification Chinese historians stereotypes, exposed the hidden historical facts within Chinese documentary, and point out the bias and ego-center opinion derived from foreign scholars, as well as misunderstanding both Chinese and Tibetan historical data. This project has willing to break through contemporary international and domestic level on Tang and Tubo relationship, bring out a detail analysis and discuss in depth book. |