摘要: | 行動支付全球快速成長,加上消費品牌將行動支付整合至手機應用程式之趨勢,誘發了下一波電子商務消費者使用行為與習慣的改變。但是,目前實務界與學術界對於行動支付未來整體發展脈絡,尚未進行系統化地描繪與探討,造成相關應用開發及新舊系統銜接上,仍在相當的缺口。
至於研究結果,主要包括下述幾項。首先,在探究行動支付議題時,本研究建議可針對「行動支付市場之需求」、「行動支付推行先前準備」,及「行動支付需求與未來規劃」等三階段分別進行內涵釐清,且規劃藍圖可以近場通訊技術(NFC)與快速回應碼(QR Code)作為應用技術之主體。其次,在使用情境上,本研究建議可優先鎖定「金融」、「商店」、「電信」、「交通」與「學校」等五類為基本使用情境之模型,並提供對應之建議與分析,作為發展與呈現行動支付模式的參考基礎或起點。
The rapid growth of mobile payment, together with the promotion of variety of mobile applications driven by brand corporations, has forced the paradigm shift of e-commerce consumer behaviors. However, current literature pays little attention to key issues, scenarios and profiles of future mobile payment, which makes both IS service providers and firms difficult in forming corresponding strategies on developing mobile payment applications and solutions for integration with legend systems.
To help bridge the gap mentioned above, this thesis puts its focus on development of scenarios and reference models of mobile payment. To achieve the goal, literature review, in-depth interviews, and Unified Modeling Language (UML) are taken as our research methods.
Based on our research, the following two key findings are concluded. First of all, when developing the blueprint for mobile payment applications, it is suggested to take both NFC and QR code as the kernel for analysis; as well, it is recommended to identify key issues based upon the three stages, namely “Market demand identification”, “Understanding prerequisites”, and “Future plans analysis”. Second, by considering the market potential and strategic importance, it is suggested to develop mobile payment scenarios for the following five contexts in advance; particularly, the five contexts are: Bank, MNO, Merchant, Traffic and School ; and the corresponding reference models can be found throughout this thesis.
Finally, to help facilitate successful development of mobile payment, future directions and practical implications are also highlighted in the end of this thesis. |