摘要: | 本研究主要目的在探討幼兒園教保服務人員在職進修角色壓力、因應策略與身心健康之相關情形。本研究採問卷調查法進行研究資料之蒐集,研究工具為研究者依據研究目的並參考相關文獻而自行編製之「教保服務人員在職進修角色壓力、因應策略與身心健康調查問卷」,對238位臺北市、新北市公立幼兒園在職進修之教保服務人員進行普查,回收的有效問卷計有168份。調查所得資料,分別以「描述性統計」、「單因子變異數分析」、「獨立樣本t考 驗」、「Pearson積差相關」、「逐步多元迴歸分析」進行分析。
This main purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between the role pressure (mental pressure), coping strategies, and (mental and physical) health, of preschool educators who are having on-job training. This study collected data with surveys, and the researcher made this “Survey to investigate the role pressure, coping strategies, and health of preschool educators” based on the goal of this study. The surveys were sent to 238 preschool educators, who are having on-job training in public kindergartens of Taipei City and New Taipei City, and 168 effective surveys were recovered. The data from the survey were analyzed with “Descriptive Statistics”, “Single Factor Variance Analysis/ANOVA”, “t test for independent samples”, “Pearson Correlation”, “Multiple Regression Analysis”.
Based on the analyses of the surveys, the results are as the following:
1. The role pressure of educators, who have on-job training, does not vary because of age, marital status, number of children they have, area of study, and other basic variants, etc., but does vary because of their job positions.
2. The coping strategies and role pressure both have influences on the (mental and physical) health of the educators who have on-job training.
3. Health status (of a preschool educator) can be predicted by the role pressure and coping strategies of the educator.
Suggestions were made for preschool educators, their families, companies they work for, schools they are currently in, and future researches, based on the result of this study. |