摘要: | 有關消費者的購屋決策一直以來都是研究的課題,探討民眾在購屋時對住宅結構、區位、鄰里環境等住宅特性的選擇,由於在進行購屋決策時,通常有著複雜的影響因素,需要慎重考慮,但是,常常因為消費者對自身需求並非十分瞭解,加上運用大量不適合的資訊,而做出不適當或甚至錯誤的決策。本研究試著了解「重劃區內居民購屋決策」與「一般購屋者的購屋決策」有何不同?為本研究所探討的主要課題。
本論文研究以馬斯洛需求層級理論為主要架構。馬斯洛需求層級理論提到將人類的需要分成五個層級的金字塔:從最低層次的需要是生理需要到最高層的自我實現。首先以文獻回顧法、假設法及訪談問卷調查法等三項來收集資料,研擬問卷並邀請重劃區購屋者及其週邊居民進行調查,以了解消費者對於在重劃區購屋的主要原因,然後本研究之資料運用敘述性統計及One-Way Anova來分析資料,並探討重劃區內購屋決策模式是否與傳統影響購屋者的決策因素有所不同。
Consumer’s housing decision has been a heating research topic for a long time. It usually seeks the extent to which housing factors such as architectural structure, location and surrounding environment affect consumers’ decision-making process. Due to the fact that decision-making in purchasing properties involves complicated factors and huge amount of money, it has to be considered carefully. However, consumers often have insufficient understandings of their own needs, and the market and property information is imbalanced between suppliers and consumers. As a consequence, consumers often make inappropriate or even wrong decisions in purchasing properties. Thus, this research intends understand the difference between consumers who purchase properties inside and outside redevelopment areas.
This research adopts Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory, which represents as a pyramid with five tiers needs – from the more basic, physiological needs at the bottom to the higher, self-actualization needs on the top. This research therefore uses research methods, namely, literature review, establishing hypotheses and questionnaire survey to gather empirical data. It intends to survey consumers inside and outside redevelopment areas in order to understand their purposes to purchase properties and the factors they consider whilst making decisions. Following by applying statistical description, and One-Way ANOVA test, this research is able to find out the extent to which there is a difference between consumers’ decision-making process in purchasing properties inside and outside redevelopment areas.
This research has found that there are similarities between consumers purchasing properties inside and outside redevelopment areas, i.e. both consider housing price and location. However, when consumers consider purchasing properties inside redevelopment areas, the quality and security of surrounding areas come to be the top priorities of all considerations – that is different from consumers purchasing properties outside redevelopment areas. In addition, there is an entangled relationship between interviewees’ personal backgrounds and their responses to emotional needs to fulfill their vanities, which one can not categorize people into groups – that somehow reflects the complicated human personalities. |