This study investigated the effects of intellectual capital related to familial and non-familial business differences, and use ROA as a measure of business performance variables, and the intellectual capital is composed by human capital, customer capital, process capital and innovation capital four dimensions, And two proxy variables were selected as the development of research hypotheses, establish the basis for the empirical model and the empirical results of the analysis.
The empirical results of this study were found to have a positive influence on business performance, expect innovative capital. The empirical results in family businesses and non-family businesses found that non-family firms investment in in-novative capital is more than the family business, but the family business for the process of capital investment is more than non-family firms. It can be seen intellectual capital on firm performance is influential, and family businesses and non-family businesses valued in intellectual capital is different. Family businesses and non-family businesses, such as to be able to improve their performance, must not only to focus on a single dimension, but be able to fully grasp the four dimensions, in order to more effectively improve business performance, more value for the enterprise .