本研究目的分別為探討:(1) 探討肚皮舞學習動機之因素。(2) 釐訂女性自信心的界定與主要面向。(3) 分析肚皮舞學習對自我價值與身體行為之影響。(4)探討肚皮舞學習對於女性成長歷程之影響。
This research is to investigate the influence of learning bellydance to the construction of self-esteem and behaviour of a woman living in Taiwan. Bellydance in the antiquity time was considered a kind of worship dance to symbolize human reproduction. However, in the modern times the exposed body is no longer considered sacred. The exposed feminine body is particularly regarded as a form of secular entertainment and sexual enticement. In this respect belly dance becomes an entertaining program to attract tourists.
In Taiwan the development of belly dance carry different significance, which is not sacred or sexual. The learning of bellydance becomes a kind of sports dance, which provide a means for the person to cultivate the body or the mind. In this respect, this research investigates the influence brought by learning bellydance, using a Taiwanese woman as the example, to the construction of self-esteem and behaviour.