本研究以1996至2002曾從事購併宣告之上市(櫃)公司為研究對象,共計有56個研究樣本,以購併宣告前一年年底之董監事持股比例、董事會規模、董事長兼任總經理、機構法人持股比例、董監持股質押比例、最終控制者之投票權偏離現金流量權對購併後第三年之資產報酬率(ROA)、每股盈餘(EPS)、TOBIN’S Q個別做多元迴歸分析。
In the past ten years, the M & A activities in Taiwan grew rapidly, and reached the peak in Year 2000. To understanding the important factor of M&A, the research from the point of view of acquiring companies tries to use the previous corporate governance of the acquiring companies to exam the later performance.
This study directs to 56 acquiring companies between 1996 and 2002 to be the study objects. We use the pre-M&A activities proportion of the stock held by the board and supervisor, scale of the board, whether board chairman is also a general manager, the proportion of the stock held by the institutional shareholders, the extent of shares as collateral by the board of directors and the deviation from control rights and cash flow rights of controlling shareholders with the third year’s performance of EPS, ROA and TOBIN’S Q after M&A activities do individual multiple regression.
The empirical study shows that the proportion of the stock held by the board and supervisor, board chairman is also a general manager and the proportion of the stock held by the institutional shareholders have positive relationship with post-M&A per-formance. Therefore the scale of the board has negative relationship with post-M&A performance. But the extent of shares as collateral by the board of directors and the de-viation from control rights and cash flow rights of controlling shareholders have no re-lationship with post-M & A performance.