摘要: | 過去研究多以常勝教練的教練行為、認知觀點、運動員偏好的教練行為及滿意度來瞭解何謂有效教練,所得結果都只是片段性的知識,對於教練 (coaching) 工作是動態、複雜而且混亂的實務,實證觀點很難呈現其即興面向,因此,為了擴展教練有效性的概念,本研究採用質性研究設計。本研究目的在瞭解運動員知覺優質教練 (coaching) 經驗,讓優質教練的定義得以從中形成,而現象學是生活經驗的研究,故本研究採用存在現象學 (existential phenomenology) 作為對所探究的社會世界持有的價值信念,透過滾雪球方式招募到18位曾參與過奧、亞運、世大運,或職業級運動團隊,來自各種項目的運動員,使用訪談作為主要的資料蒐集方法,以現象學方法之研究步驟進行研究。結果發現優質教練的本質是由教練性質、環境、系統、關係、教練行動和影響六個面向所形構,在運動員的優質教練經驗中,運動員知覺到教練行動和影響,當教練行動與影響凸顯出來,同時會有其他事物成為背景;當運動員越是瞭解教練,彼此會逐漸建立穩固的關係,運動員會更明白教練所營造的環境和系統,這些面向即成為運動員知覺優質教練經驗中的既定背景。最後,以運動員知覺的教練經驗,將優質教練定義為,以優質的教練性質行使教練行動,在穩固關係及相互信任的環境與系統中,使運動員的能力表現到極致,達到其最佳之運動成就。
Most of the research on coaching effectiveness has examined the behaviors, cognitions, and athlete preference and satisfaction of winning coaches and which resulted the unsatisfied knowledge. Coaching is a dynamic, complex and confusing practice. It was difficult to present the improvising structure by positive perspectives. Therefore, the qualitative design was used in the research in order to extend the concept of coaching effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to explore athletes’ perceptions of great coaching. From their perceptions, an operational definition of great coaching was developed in the study. Phenomenology was life experience. For this reason, existential phenomenology was used to be the theoretical paradigms and perspectives. Participants were recruited via snowball sampling with 18 athletes, who has participated Olympic Games, Asian Games, Universiade or professional level. Data were collected via interviews and phenomenological analysis was used to analyze research data. The results were that the essence of great coaching was structured by six dimensions: coach attributes, environment, system, relationships, coaching actions, and influences. Athletes Perceived coaching actions and influences were stand out from Great Coaching. At the same time, these dimensions serve as constants in the background of athlete experiences: Once a strong coach-athlete relationship is established and athletes understand their coach, the environment, and the system. Finally, a definition of great coaching was developed from the athletes’ perceptions: great coaching as the application of coaching actions with great coach attributes in the environment and system of a strong coach-athlete relationship of trust, to assist your players to achieve their potential and to the maximum peak. |