摘要: | 近年由於經濟快速成長、國民所得提高生活品質上升,加上周休二日實施、交通網路的便利,以及大多生活在都市的緊湊生活,促使國人從事精神愉快的休閒遊憩及體驗活動的需求產生急劇的變化,休閒遊憩及體驗活動已成為國人生活中不可或缺的重要元素。因台灣加入世界貿易組織WTO後,傳統農業備受競爭,所以紛紛轉型成為休閒農場,國內休閒農場因結合自然景觀、體供生態教育活動、體驗農村生活、交通便利及地域性的特點,現今已經成為國人休閒遊憩活動的重要場所。故本研究以休閒農場為研究產業,探討顧客滿意度是否因為透過環境體驗行銷、顧客參與程度高低而影響其滿意度,採問卷調查法為主要的調查方式,並以敘述性統計、信、效度分析等方法,以質化、量化等研究分析的方式,進行資料整理與分析的工作。
During recent years, it has become necessary part of life to enjoy the pleasant recreation during leisure time. The demand is surfacing owing to the rapid eco-nomic development, the industry transformation, the policy of two vacations per week, the raise of GPD, the convenient transportation system.
Taiwan's accession to the World Trade Organization, WTO, traditional agricul-ture is highly competitive, so have transformed into a leisure farm.
Among the numerous recreations, the recreation farm that is easy to access, of-fering bio-geographical education and natural environment, carrying localized fea-tures is one of the popular types at present.
In this study, as the research leisure farm industry, explore customer satisfaction whether back to affect the satisfaction level of customer participation through envi-ronmental Experiential Marketing, questionnaire survey, descriptive statistics, relia-bility and validitythe degree of analysis and other methods, qualitative, quantifica-tion research and analysis, data collection and analysis work.
This study is based on structured questionnaires, research by industry leisure farm to the consumer leisure farms have been for the study, issued a total of 200, 192 valid questionnaires, the answer was 92%. Experience of relationship marketing and customer satisfaction are adding more pronounced after Individually participate, so that the results from the study, customer participation can influence whether the cus-tomer can be more satisfied. |