摘要: | 本研究主要在建立容積移轉核心價值指標與指標之權重,以期提供我國容積移轉未來修正之客觀參考依據。我國都市發展至今面臨之問題包括:開發與保存之平衡、公共政策失靈之社會不公平、政府財政無力徵收公共設施保留地造成居民生活環境品質下降等問題;雖希望藉由容積移轉解決此現象,但成效不彰,衍伸之問題反而更多,例如:容積集中於特定地區使得加速原居民生活品質惡化、所有權人權益受損等等問題。
因此本研究是探討容積移轉設立之核心價值,以利未來容積移轉修正之參考。本研究藉由專家問卷之方式,首先結由國內外文獻初擬容積移轉核心價值之評估指標,經由第一、第二次專家問卷方式評選指標之適宜性,並根據第一與第二回合了解專家對於現行容積移轉機制之看法與了解台灣推行之問題。再以第三次AHP 專家問卷方式衡量比較指標之間重要程度,最後再透過Expert Choice決策分析軟體分析評估指標之權重。經由德爾菲問俊與AHP問卷,確立容積移轉核心價值指標並進行排序;依據此排序情形作為容積移轉機制核心價值評估之參考指標。
This study focuses on the core values of indicators to establish the volume of migration weights and indicators in order to provide an objective reference for the migration of volume corrected in the future. Problems of urban development has faced include: balancing development with preservation, public policy failure of social unfairness, the government unable to impose land reserved for public finances caused decline in quality of living environment and other issues; although I hope to resolve this phenomenon by volume migration , but ineffective, but more of an extension of the problem, such as: volume concentrated in particular areas so that the deterioration of the quality of life of the acceleration of the original inhabitants, the owner of damage to the interests and so on.
Therefore, this study was to explore the core values of TDR established to facilitate future amendments to the reference volume migration. In this study, the expert questionnaire by the way, the first end of the migration literature Tentative volumetric assessment of the core values of indicators through the first, second expert suitability questionnaire evaluation index, and pursuant to the first and second round expert's view on the current understanding of the mechanism of the volume of migration and understand the implementation of the Taiwan issue. Then the degree of importance between the third expert AHP questionnaire to measure comparative indicators, and finally analysis and evaluation indicators weights through Expert Choice decision analysis software. Chun asked by Delphi and AHP questionnaire, establishing indicators and core values of TDR sort; based on this sort situation assessment as an indicator of the volume of the core values of the migration mechanism.
Finally, the theory and literature, domestic and case studies, the results of empirical research conclusions and recommendations set showed that the volume of migration mechanism to improve the system set up, more important than the social and economic development. Volume migration needs through the market mechanism to operate, the price decided by the market. The actual development of the migration of trading rights, shall operate on their own folk, the role that the government plays in the migration of the right to development should be transparent so that the transaction price disclosure, market confidence, as well as priority conservation areas should be protected to maintain the operation of the market. |