摘要: | 高齡化社會與全球化的影響下,勞動市場結構也有所改變,再加上其他國家廉價勞動力的衝擊、勞力密集的產業外移,從事勞力密集產業的中高齡勞工面臨失業的問題。另外,中高齡勞工因年齡、技能、體能等因素,在勞動市場中出現不平等待遇與就業歧視問題產生,勞動部在組織構造增加勞動條件及就業平等司,顯示出對就業歧視議題的重視。
Aging society and globalization have changed the structure of the labor market , and the impact of cheap labor from other countries arose middle age and elderly workers unemployment problems. Middle age and elderly workers unemployed most due to age, skills, physical fitness or other factors that cause unfair treatment and discrimination in the labor market. The Minister of Labor, Republic of China(Taiwan)set the Department of labor standards and equal employment in its organization structure to solve discrimination relate issues ,showing the importance of employment discrimination.
In 2007, The Employment Service Act included “age” as one source of the discrimination , employer is prohibited from discriminating against any job applicant or employee on the basis of age. Yet, there is no clear rules and legislations about the definitions and explanation, constitutes case of discrimination in employment, exception of employment discrimination, supporting measures, etc. When the structure of the labor market has changed, most middle age and elderly workers are unemployed, because they are in the secondary labor market. In addition, the "age" of the middle age and elderly workers being the main cause of unfair treatment and discrimination. In order to improve middle age and elderly workers' suffered from age discrimination, this study compare Taiwan ,international organizations and other countries’ employment discrimination legislations, and analysis Taiwan’s age discrimination cases in employment. In response to the present conditions, also put forward substantive recommendations to improve age discrimination situations. |