摘要: | 漫畫藝術於近代戰爭期間所發展出來的「戰爭漫畫」具有獨樹一幟的特性,它的意義不單只是如同早期紀錄風俗民情的幽默風趣,也不像現今漫畫具有娛樂消遣的商業行為,而是為了戰爭的需求,其中參雜了許多政治作戰的宣傳意涵,成為了各國宣傳戰中的重要形式媒介,不僅協助了國家軍事戰略上對國際間的宣傳戰術,淺顯易懂的漫畫圖像同樣也對國內的民眾引導教化的作用展現相當程度的影響力。
除了從宏觀角度,進行國家戰爭漫畫宣傳屬性的足跡研究。筆者亦兼具微觀的研究思維,擬從中日美三國之中,各自列舉代表性的研究對象,如中國漫畫家豐子愷(1898~1975)與黃堯(1917-1981) 的抗戰漫畫、台灣日治時期《臺灣日日新報》的侵略漫畫以及美國社論漫畫家蘇斯博士(Dr. Seuss, 1904-1991)的諷刺漫畫,研究這三者於戰爭期間對戰爭漫畫的貢獻與付出。筆者希望從國家整體的研究乃至局部個體的觀察,能夠讓讀者更具體清楚認識戰爭漫畫宣傳對國家安危、民族意識、社會氛圍等所帶來的影響與緊密關係,藉此表明其存在之意義與價值。
The wartime comics of the World War Ⅱ were a truly unique development in comic art of that era. The intrinsic meaning of these comics was unlike their predecessors, with their focus on the humor of everyday life. They are also unlike the commercially oriented comics of today, with their focus on entertainment. These comics were rife with political implications and served as an important media for the wartime propaganda of various countries. However, aside from helping promote the military’s wartime propaganda strategies, these clear and articulate comics were also able to influence the public at large.
In order to illustrate the unique characteristics of these comics, this paper will examine, analyze, and compare the development of wartime comics in China, the United States, and Japan within the Sino-Japanese and pacific theaters of World War Ⅱ. After collecting pertinent materials and images, the author has found that the development and implications of wartime comics varied between each country. In addition, their historical contexts, cultural backgrounds, and influence on the nature of wartime propaganda comics were all vastly different. They shall be organized and examined in three categories: Chinese anti-Japanese war comics, Japanese invasion comics, and U.S. counterattack comics. In regards to China’s war comics, as a result of thousands of years of cultural mixing, by the outbreak of conflict with Japan, the comic artists of China would be able to consolidate the power of wartime propaganda comics and incite a spirit of fierce nationalism and patriotism within the Chinese people. Next, this paper will explore Japan’s invasion comics and the influence of militarism on their use as a political tool for the justification and legitimization of Japan’s military actions in China. Following this, we will investigate U.S. counterattack comics, specifically in their capacity as a means of propagating democracy and ideas of freedom as well as promote world peace through a sense of justice. By analyzing the aforementioned topics according to these criteria will allow the author to more thoroughly explore and juxtapose the application, development, and characteristics of wartime propaganda comics in each of the above-mentioned countries.
The study of wartime comics can be approached from both macrocosmic and microcosmic perspectives. From a microcosmic point of view, the author has selected a series of representative subjects from China, Japan, and the U.S. who shall be analyzed. For example, the wartime comics of China’s Feng Zikai (1898~1975) and Huang Yao (1917-1981), “the Taiwan Daily Newspaper”(1898-1944) invasion comics from Taiwan Japanese colonial period, and the humorous wartime comics of editorial cartoonist Dr. Seuss (1904-1991). This paper will analyze the efforts and contributions of these three artists in the field of wartime comics. It is the author’s hope that the of both comprehensive and specific analyses of this topic will allow the reader to clearly see the intimate relationship and influence between wartime propaganda comics, the safety of the country, ethnic and cultural awareness, as well as social atmosphere. In this way we can see the inherent meaning and value of this topic. |