目的:本研究在探討上肢輕阻力訓練對棒球選手等速肌力與球速之影響。方法:以18名大學男性乙組棒球選手為受試對象(年齡為19.8 ± 1.1歲,身高為171.4 ± 5.9公分,體重為70.2 ± 9.8公斤),以隨機分組方式分為彈力繩組、輕啞鈴組與控制組,進行每週2次,連續6週的輕阻力訓練,於訓練前後,受試者進行肩關節等速肌力 (180°•sec-1) 測驗,以評估力矩峰值,以及實施投球球速測驗。結果:本研究結果發現不管是慣用手或非慣用手的180°•sec-1的力矩峰值皆無顯著差異。投球球速部分發現,彈力繩組與輕啞鈴組的前後測無顯著差異(彈力繩組,前測 vs. 後測,104.57 ± 10.00 vs. 105.08 ± 9.96 km/hr,p > .05;輕啞鈴組,前測 vs. 後測,105.37 ± 3.09 vs. 105.62 ± 4.87 km/hr,p > .05)。然而,控制組的結果顯示,後測顯著低於前測(控制組,前測 vs. 後測,98.82 ± 7.02 vs. 96.37 ± 8.35 km/hr,F = 13.111,p < .05)。結論:在經過6週上肢輕阻力訓練後,對乙組棒球選手上肢等速肌力 (180°•sec-1) 雖然並無提升效果,但仍能維持平均投球球速,因此,在季中訓練時,如想維持投球球速,宜搭配使用輕阻力課表訓練。
Purpose: The objective of this research is to probe the effects of light-resistances trainings on isokinetic and the pitch speed in upper limbs for baseball athletes. Methodology: The research paper targets eighteen secondary college baseball athletes (of which the ages are 19.8 ± 1.1 yr, the heights are 171.4 ± 5.9 cm, and the weights are 70.2 ± 9.8 kg) and organize them into three different groups randomly. Except for the control group, the treatment groups are trained separately through light-resistance exercises such as rubber tubing and light weights dumbbell. Additionally, the trainings take place for twice a week and continue for six weeks. The target group takes the isokinetic (180°•sec-1) examination on shoulder joints before and after the trainings to evaluate the performance of peak torque and the maximum pitch speed. Result: This research discovers that there is no significant differences between handedness and none handedness in peak torque. For the maximum pitch speed, the before and after examinations show no noticeable differences between the rubber tubing and light weights dumbbell group (rubber tubing group: before vs after value, 104.57 ± 10.00 vs. 105.08 ± 9.96 km/hr,p > .05; light weights dumbbell group: before vs after value, 105.37 ± 3.09 vs. 105.62 ± 4.87 km/hr,p > .05). In contrast, the results of control group shows that the examination of maximum pitch speed is slightly higher before the regular training course take place (control group: before vs after value,98.82 ± 7.02 vs. 96.37 ± 8.35 km/hr,F = 13.111,p < .05). Conclusion: After six weeks of light-resistances trainings in upper limbs, the isokinetic of the secondary college athletes show no improvements in both peak tongue and maximum pitch speed. However, the results have indicated that such trainings could maintain the average pitch speed of baseball athletes. Therefore, it is recommended that a light–resistance program should be integrated into a training course during a seasonal training session in order to maximize the performance of baseball athletes.