摘要: | 空氣品質影響民眾生活品質與健康的相關議題廣泛受到重視,促使本研究著手評估並比較1994及2004年台北市空氣品質之經濟價值。空氣品質為一非市場財貨,我們無法找到空氣品質的實際交易市場,以交易價格來衡量其經濟效益,因此使用特徵價格法(hedonic price method),以房屋交易市場為其替代市場,找尋空氣品質之價值。本研究以房屋價格作為應變數,影響房價的諸多因子為自變數,如空氣污染、屋齡、樓層數、至市中心距離、與捷運站距離及與公園綠地距離等,並且有些自變數必須經過特別處理,如以GIS arcview軟體來模擬台北市全面之懸浮微粒與總懸浮微粒濃度作為空氣污染變數。在估計特徵價格函數後,利用間接推估的方法衡量空氣污染經濟效益,找出民眾的願付價值(willingness to pay;WTP)。
The air pollution problem in Taipei has been serious and the air pollution has influenced citizens' quality of life and health. This research was set about estimating and comparing economic values of air quality in Taipei in 1994 and 2004. Air quality is non-market goods, we can't find a real trade market of air quality for reflecting its economic benefits at the price of trade. This study used the hedonic price method, looking for a substitute market to find values of air quality. After estimating characteristic function, this study utilized the method to estimate indirectly its economic benefits. Among air pollutants, the particulate matters and suspending particles can be perceived by eyes. People are most directly and fast in response to these pollutions. This study used particulate matters and suspending particles as air pollution variables. The data of these two variables was generated by GIS arcview software.
The findings of this study are as what follow. (1) In Taipei, the air quality as indicated by particulate matters and suspending particles was cleaner in 2004 than in 1994. Air quality is getting apparent improvement in 2004. Density of air pollution in Taipei is lower than the pollution standard, which was announced by the government. (2) By R2 or adjusted R2 to compare regressions’ explain ability and by the directions and magnitudes of coefficients. This study found that a semi-log model in 1994 and a double-log model in 2004 are the best models. (3) Suspending particles have two-years time lag for effective influence on price of houses. (4) In Taipei, suspend particles had significant negative influences on prices of houses in 1994. The particulate matters had insignificant negative influences on prices of houses in 1994. (5) In Taipei, the particulate matters and suspend particles had insignificant negative influence on prices of houses in 2004. (6) If density of suspends particles reduces one unit (μg/m3), people were willing to pay 27,132 NT dollars in 1994. (7) In 2004, to reduce one unit (μg/m3) of the density of particulate matters and suspend particles, people were willing to pay 90,765 and 26,334 NT dollars respectively. After converting to price of 1994, the willingness to pay becomes 77,958 and 22,617 NT dollars respectively. (8) Though air quality has been obviously improved in 2004, people demand much more improvement. This is evidenced from the estimation results of the hedonic function of particulate matters. Its impacts on house prices were not statistically significant in 1994. Through ten years, the negative impacts turned to be extremely significant in 2004. It is obvious that people's requisition for higher air quality is stricter and stricter. (9) Even though, over the past ten years, the pollution of suspend particles had already been obviously improved, people’s willingness to pay for higher air quality is much higher (27,132 NT dollars in 1994, 26,334 NT dollars in 2004). It is obvious that people's requisition for higher air quality is stricter and stricter. (10) Suppose that no air quality improvement had been made from 1994 to 2004 and suppose that, in 2004, air quality was improved all at once, from1994 level to its 2004 level. People were willing to pay 8,682,154 NT dollars per household for the particulate matters and 3,560,706 NT dollars per household for suspend particles. (11) Following (10), total economic values of air quality improvement for the past ten years (1994 - 2004) can be get by multiplying household willingness to pay by total household number in Taipei in 2004. The total willingness to pay was 8,016.4 billion and 3,287.7 billion NT dollars for particulate matters and suspend particles. |