摘要: | 台灣地區近年來隨著經濟發展與重大交通建設完成之際,都市計畫地區人口增加與產業擴充下,都市範圍擴大與郊區化現象屢見不鮮,但卻問題叢生。美國在二次大戰後,同樣因人口增長而出現郊區化的現象,連帶也帶來環境課題,因而研擬諸多管制策略手段,以有效引導地方的成長,以達到整體環境保護、提昇生活品質的目標,亦即推行引導與控制地方成長的「成長管理」策略。
The city population in Taiwan has recently increased with the development of economy, completion of major transportation, and the expansion of business. However, this created the problem of over crowed of the suburban areas. After World War II in the United States, due to the fact that population has increased, places became suburbanize and bring environmental problems. After the many studies that are being done, there are many restrictions that are being monitor to help the growth of the area and the protection of environment, for raising the living quality. Therefore, a growth management is being presented to have a guidance and strategy of how the county should grow and become.
This research is divided into six chapters and twenty-seven sections. The first and second chapter is mostly on literature review. Chapter three, four and five is mostly on empirical evidence of the research. Chapter six is the final conclusion of the research.
Chapter three, study area, this research is focus on Nankan Urban Planning District, with the advantage of having industrial clusters and the convenience of having the transportation, the residential area had far pass the expected target. Since Nankan urban district orientation and trend are not clear resulting in some urban factors. Therefore, with the increasing movement of the residential and business industries and the traditional way of land use planning and manage, different industries can no longer effectively applied to the growth of the urban district. This research is a draft that referred to materials that are from outer countries’ growth management and framework, which develop a more effective strategy and model of growth management for Nankan growing district. This allows discussions of current framework in Taiwan’s land planning to draft the country’s growth management model.
Chapter four, the research design and frame, planning, and development, with the help of the government’s censuses as a foundation the factors and vision of current situation in Nankan Urban District Planning has been understood. The draft of growth development and indicators to process changes analysis with S.W.O.T. analysis, clarify the strategy and model.
Chapter five uses the empirical evidence of the vision and current situation that was researched on Nankan’s urban land development and the growth management model, which draws up 18 objectives, the strategies pin pointing different growth management target, and sort out the best way to achieve 6 major goals listing as (1) providing Nankan’s planning development—safe and productive transportation system. (2) Urges Nankan’s real estate and the economy into fast growth. (3) Guidance developing of public facilities services with in a range, to maintain the value and the specialties of the neighborhood. (4) Guarantee the natural environment in Nankan would be protected. (5) Provided different types of properties for residence to purchase. (6) Improved public facilities and the quality which provide the necessity for the public.
Chapter six, the final conclusion and suggestions for the draft of this research of Nankan’s urban planning district. Growth management and growth management model foundation, under Taiwan’s land use planning this draft can be implemented in the growth management model for the future of the country. These are some advices which are targeting towards the growth management model. (1) Design System Portion: (a) allowing the local government to have more develop planning rights; (b) establishing legal and powerful regional board of committee; (c) ensuring different level of government which manages and are responsible for growth management; (2) Planning Legal Portion: (a) adopt more development control methods; (b) emphasizes development permit application in the city (c) strengthen growth management’s concurrency, and consistency. (3) Administrate organization Portion (a) provide growth management’s labor, resources and money support; (b) confirm the implementation, monitor and check system. |