摘要: | 造成古琴流派的主要因素先是音樂風格的差異,以及共同師承、傳譜等。流派的命名有以音樂風格稱謂,如:“吳聲”、“蜀聲”、“南音”等;另有的是以地域名稱,如“浙派”、“蜀派”、“紹興琴派”、“虞山琴派”、“廣陵琴派”等;以及是以琴人之名或姓氏命名,如“九嶷派”(此琴派的創始人楊時百,號九嶷山人,琴派以創派人的號命名)。琴史上琴派林立,明清以來以揚州“廣陵”一派卓立琴壇,前後輯譜刊印版本多種,就彈奏而言,可由此體察近五百年來江浙一代的琴曲風格及審美意識。
The guqin schools are formed by several factors: firstly, the difference of styles of the music. Secondly, the difference of music scores passed down from the masters. Schools are also named according to the styles of appellation of the music, for instance: "Sound of Wu "、" Sound of Shu "," South Sound " ,etc.. Some use directly the name of the regions, such as : "Zhejiang School "、" Shu School "、"Shaoxing School "、" YuShan Qin School " and " Guanglin Qin School ", and some even named after its successor, like "Jiuyi School". (The promoter of the Jiuyi School, Yang Shi Bai , is also named Jiuyishanren, and the guqin school is under the name of the promoter’s alias .)There were many qin schools in the history, and one of the most famous qin school was the" Guanglin Qin School" in Yangzhou since Ming and Qing dynasty. Musicians of "Guanglin School" collected many printing plate copies and published qin scores. According to what the Guanglin school has passed down, one can observe and appreciate the melodic style and consideration of the past 500 years in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.
This text is divided into four chapters. Chapter one: The introduction includes research motive, research purpose, research range and research method etc.. Chapter two: This chapter emphasizes on the forming, successors, pedigree and aesthetic of music of the Guanglin Qin School. Chapter three: The main subject of this chapter is to analyse the playing techniques of Guanglin Qin School by examinating the melody of <Qiao ge>, <Liu Shui >, <Mei Hua San Long> and <Wu Ye Ti >. Chapter four: The chapter summarizes. |